28 August, 2010

September 11, 2001 (9th Anniversary)

This will be the day that will go down into world history
A black Tuesday that will be remember for centuries
That came with such an unimaginable magnitude that's worse than any catastrophe
Causing the entire world with grevious shocked and uncertainties

It was just like any other morning where folks woke up to start their journey
Where the day was bright and sunny
Folks travelled to work while grabbing a cup of coffee
Reaching the World Trade Center and greeting everybody

Going up to their office while it was still early
Getting ready to get busy
As trying to survived was not easy
In viewed of that time of poor economy

Little did they know that 4 commercial aircrafts has been hijacked already
The terrorist were planning on huge attacks on America's major cities
An attack that will repeat the World War II holocaust miseries
In the name of teaching Americans a lesson to stop being nosey

The first and second aircraft were heading to World Trade Center in New York City
The third aircraft was heading to the Pentagon in Washington DC
The forth aircraft was supposed to level out 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and her vicinity
Of course the forth aircraft ended up crashing somewhere in one of Pennsylvania county

The first aircraft hit the first tower a little before 8:20
Folks were thinking it was an accident with the pilots were drunk or sleepy
When the second aircraft rammed into the second tower around 8:50
Then everyone has confirmed it was an act of terrorist cum Kamikaze

The third aircraft rammed at the entrance of the Pentagon subsequently
Causing the entire area adjacent to the Pentagon became messy
The forth aircraft did not managed to cause further atrocities
Thanks to the brave Americans hero who fought the terrorist diligently

Both the towers were damaged badly
Fires were burning like volcano lava beyond level 70
The fire that was ignited by jet fuel triggered heat temperature over 1000 degrees
Burning and melting the steel bar that once kept the building standing firmly

Many victims were still stucked at the top floor with no elevator and stairway accessibility
Most of them were choked by smokes and went crazy
Some were making their "farewell" phone calls to their respective family
Before they choosed to dive into suicide instead of being cremnated completely

September 11, 2001 will always be remember as a serious tragedy
A tragedy that was perpetrated by United States greatest enemy
An enemy that adhere to the principle of murdering massively
Regardless of their nationality and ethnicity

The attacked literally woke all Americans from New York to Hawaii
It also shocked the world from Canada across Asia all the way to Turkey
It was so serious that NYSE was suspended indefinitely
The whole country was declared emergency

It was the biggest test for President Bush during his presidency
It was the toughest test for Americans to accept such indecency
It was the beginning of more wars and actions by military
It was the beginning of inventions for more sophisticated artilleries

America has changed from her normality
Americans has changed when they talk about homeland security
Where liberation once took the center stage, now has turned into fear constantly
Where equality once emphasized, now is from case to case basis through identity

27 August, 2010

Merdeka Day (Malaysia Independence Day)

A great day to celebrate
It was the day we were liberate
Freedom has finally arrive at our gate
Gives us every reason to commemorate

We have progressed very well along the way
And we have also made many mistakes as what people say
It about time we evaluate our problems to avoid the next hay
So that our resources will be fully utilize with nothing extra to pay

Malaysia is a very blessed nation without a doubt
Abundant resouces that are available for us to cash out
Its like a child just inherited a large farm with plenty of cows
Making us a lucky nation where some individuals has more than one house

August 31 is a very special date
Its the day where Malaysians will evaluate
Its also the day where new strategies ought to be formulate
So that we can attend the existing problem before its too late

Poem Writings

A combination of reading and singing
Makes the reader feel less boring
Stating fact without twisting and winding
While saving time without all the digesting