05 November, 2010

The DE FACTO reasons behind the defeat of Galas & Batu Sapi

The verdicts are out and BN won both Batu Sapi and Galas
It was rather hard to believe that Galas could not be maintain by PAS
Batu Sapi was different as there were 3 corner fight which made it tough
Whatever it is, its time to study and discuss

PR won the General Election in 2008 with a total blast
The results yesterday were consider a total bust
PR must get herself together fast
Otherwise, comes the next General Election it will all vaporized like dust

Lets analyze the reasons behind this defeat as a start
On how the voters perception on PR has changed from bright to dark
For a start, PR is still harping on things BN done in the past
People has know about the past, that's why they decided to plant a set of new grass

No doubt, the downfall of Perak State Assembly were done in the manner of unjust
However, all the unending protest and shouting makes PR look like "low class"
PR make so many Ceramah all over and now people take it as another fart
As talking too much will make someone's charisma and reputation rust

When PR won, they will say that they won the people's heart
When PR lost, they will say it was one sided government agencies that took part
In addition to BN sending cash and goodies by the truck
Making such statements will make any given sane voters a total laugh

These 2 lessons are consider "cheap" in view that it is only a minor cut
Some of PR members were literally behaving like thugs
Its time for PR to get out of the mud
And starting to build a strong coalition crust

The survival of PR is a must
Because 2 party system will help Malaysia improve with a plus
PR must work instead of talk like having tea session in the club
In order to gain the people's trust

A good strategist point their plans like aiming with a dart
Its not impossible to achieve although it may be hard
For as long as we have the patients and strong guts
Victory await those who understand the feelings of vast

03 November, 2010

Can this happen in Malaysia??? Is it possible???

In 2006, Democrats took over the house due to unpopular war that got many killed
The idea is to put a moment of pause to Mr. Bush who does not listen to the hue
As the unpopular war in the Middle East still continues
It made Americans more angry and Mr. Obama won the presidency with much thrill

It was just hardly 2 years since Mr. Obama took over White House with goodwill
Some changes has been made but it does not favor the majority's will
Today, the GOP has taken over Capitol Hill
They won with a substantial majority like Saudi's oilfield

Coming back to Malaysian politics that we are about to view
PR won substantially in 2008 which was something new
Time and again, we should ask ourselves why does Malaysians took that cue
Was it because they were angry with BN or was it because they want a better deal?

If they want a better deal, have PR deliver their promises which are due?
If they are angry with BN, then PR better be more worry if voters continue to stay mute
As their votes can swing back to BN anytime just like what Americans did with a big blew
PR must continue to work hard and continue to build

Getting carried away with one time victory is downright stupid without clues
PR is not stable and does not seem to have a proper shield
Its time for PR to learn from Democrats before PR is being drilled
Otherwise PR can share the same fate like Democrat candidates who were badly grilled

02 November, 2010

Many people envy the American democracy

It's Super Tuesday once again, Americans will vote all over the country
US is probably one of the few countries in the world with leverage democracy
Once in every 2 years, Americans get to choose their favorite leaders or party
American democracy system really makes many people feel envy

The party who wins today will take control of Capitol Hill to make policies
Americans will choose their leaders be it from Democrats or GOP
Its also to check on which party still has the relevancy
Whether or not people still love Nancy Pelosi

US has a 2 term limit for the American presidency
It's to make sure that everyone gets the opportunity
Not control by a single family
To build their dynasty in the expense of everybody

American elections has good transparency
The day of both Mid Term and Presidential election has been fixed permanently
It will be on the first Tuesday of November to make people remember much easily
Nobody can manipulate the election date by waiting for "feel good economy"

Going to vote is an honorable duty
Even if we have to line up under severe weather be it cold or stormy
During campaigning, both parties will throw tons of promises and goodies
As both parties are hard up for popularity

Americans are very lucky
At least that's what many of us can see
A country with no place for tyranny
A country with no place for anarchy

01 November, 2010

Get well soon, Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu

Penang became "Silicone Valley" because he took the cue
Penang managed to have one of the longest bridge because of his courage to build
Penang gained thousands of jobs because he got all the foreign investors sealed
Penang enjoyed great progress because he always believe with something new

This extraordinary man is no other than Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu
Who worked all his life to make Penang's reputation brew
Lately he has been hit with a severe stroke which is more serious than flu
The hospital has given him the utmost attention for his health to be improve

A good man like him should live longer to assist people who are feeling blue
As he has the wisdom and able to give us plenty of clues
Lets pray that he will get himself out of ICU
May he will be feeling better as he should