03 November, 2010

Can this happen in Malaysia??? Is it possible???

In 2006, Democrats took over the house due to unpopular war that got many killed
The idea is to put a moment of pause to Mr. Bush who does not listen to the hue
As the unpopular war in the Middle East still continues
It made Americans more angry and Mr. Obama won the presidency with much thrill

It was just hardly 2 years since Mr. Obama took over White House with goodwill
Some changes has been made but it does not favor the majority's will
Today, the GOP has taken over Capitol Hill
They won with a substantial majority like Saudi's oilfield

Coming back to Malaysian politics that we are about to view
PR won substantially in 2008 which was something new
Time and again, we should ask ourselves why does Malaysians took that cue
Was it because they were angry with BN or was it because they want a better deal?

If they want a better deal, have PR deliver their promises which are due?
If they are angry with BN, then PR better be more worry if voters continue to stay mute
As their votes can swing back to BN anytime just like what Americans did with a big blew
PR must continue to work hard and continue to build

Getting carried away with one time victory is downright stupid without clues
PR is not stable and does not seem to have a proper shield
Its time for PR to learn from Democrats before PR is being drilled
Otherwise PR can share the same fate like Democrat candidates who were badly grilled

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