21 September, 2011

Malaysian ISA has finally ABOLISHED!!!

Many Malaysians were wondering
As if they just woke up from their dream
That ISA (Internal Security Act) which many Malaysians define as "Stink"
Will soon be dispose permanently into dustbin

When PM Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak took over the premiership, he gave a hint
That ISA will be review as the draconian law is being view as a "great sin"
Just the eve of Malaysian Day, the hint has finally came clean
PM Najib Razak took a drastic courage in abolishing it

Many Malaysians were delighted with the message that PM Najib Razak bring
It makes Malaysians proud of what they heard and seen
Although some Pakatan leaders were seem to be skeptic over this
They even question if PM Najib Razak were really genuine

Some said it's because General Election is approaching
Then again, General Election has happened many times, did our past PMs did anything?
So it's the will of PM Najib Razak to do something
At least for that he deserves the full credit

Nevertheless, if we analyze carefully and not being "totally green"
We would realize that the political scenario is uncertain while economy is fluctuating
Hence, no Malaysians can really tell which political party will win
Or who will be governing after March 2013 (Due date for parliament to dissolve)

It's a very smart move by PM Najib Razak in what he is doing
By eliminating ISA, he is actually defusing the time bomb from exploding
Should Barisan loses, there will be no ISA for Pakatan government in enforcing
Obviously, Pakatan government will look bad if they make an attempt in reintroducing

PM Najib Razak is no kindergarten boy who knows nothing
He is one man who knows just about everything
Taking careful steps so that no potshots are throw to him
Yet making everyone happy without realizing