07 September, 2010

Frugal Billionaires

A thrifty person does not necessary mean they are any poorer
Instead it would mean they are downright smarter
These people know how to make their money works harder
By making the best out of their cash turnover

Billionaires can afford just about anything they desire
The kind of money they have can make them a KING forever
However some of them decided to keep their life much simple
By living their life just like any other working class people

Warren Buffett has live in the same house all his life despite having a huge empire
Carlos Slim does not possess any private jet or private cruiser
David Cheriten still buying from shopping outlets like Kroger
John Caudwell still taking public transport and yet to hire a chauffeur

Jim Walton is still using the same old pick up truck just like his late father
Azim Premji is still driving the same Toyota Corolla despite the car getting older
These people are filthy rich but yet down to earth and have showed great examples
People like Warren Buffett has pledge half of his wealth for those who suffers

Pursuing more houses with outstanding mortgages does not make us any richer
Driving a fancy car without money in the bank are just making us pretentious actor
Saving money to buy designer brands just to show off will put us into great torcher
Talking big without facts will make us look like a fool altogether

These billionaires are great society leaders
They never tell people that they are the greatest achiever
They never look down on those hardcore poor
Instead they are the most generous donors

Source:  Frugal Billionaires (Yahoo Finance) on September 6, 2010


  1. Yup, I forwarded the same article to a lot of people who don't have much money but are living above their means. If it's good enough for Warren, I don't see why not it's not for us.

    Even Billy Gates' house is cheaper than the previous MB of Selangor

  2. Have you seen Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat's house...
    We like his humbleness and 'simple' lifestyle compared to many politicians.

  3. Previous Selangor MB could care less about anything. However, Tok Guru is really amazing
