13 October, 2010

Datuk Ibrahim Ali has DID IT AGAIN!!!

A minute of silence was observed for the passing of Datuk Edmund Chong of Batu Sapi
It's a sign of respect for the deceased who have served the country
Any SANE normal human being will adhere to this request immediately
In view that it's the last time to honor a person who has left for eternity

Datuk Ibrahim Ali as sick and miserable as he can be
Does not adhere to this policy
He continue to chat on his cell phone as if he does not hear or see
His misdemeanor has anger some of the legislator from different parties

We may wonder how a man like Datuk Ibrahim Ali can become an MP
In view of such sickening behavior that he possessed so profoundly
Behaving like thugs and yet never repent for his mistake he caused so grievously
An MP who is shameless and disgrace to his own community

The General Election is closing in eminently
Its about time that voters to vote him out permanently
For this creature will ruin our nation's harmony
That's the last thing we need from this idiotic monkey

Sources:  The Star (October 12, 2010)


  1. He could become MP is because last time people dunno his real "colors" but now he is showing his true racist and classless self, people will hopefully come to their senses and not vote for him next round.

    This type of quality person also can become MP, no wonder Najib Razak having problems trying to champion his 1Malaysia strategy. Take 1 step forward, Ibrahim will pull him back 2 steps

  2. He hijacked PAS, that's exactly what happened!!! This idiot is a liar and he does it for his own good only. All the work done by Najib has gone into drain with his attitude. I know Mahathir supported him. According to Mahathir, he supports Najib but both Ibrahim and Najib are so different. I think Mahathir should just take it easy and stop all these nonsense of trying to say this and that, that and this, not this and that, not that and this

  3. Guys guys guys! This fellow is just pure evil. Invoke Terms Limits. This is the only way Malaysia can be saved from becoming a failed state. Instead of working and generating Tax that will be used to grow this country, we have evil trying to destroy it. Term Limits is the only solution..
