14 November, 2010

PKR is trying hard despite challenges

Many parties in Malaysia adhere to the voting system via delegates
When it comes to selecting the top party leadership's place
The system stated that 1 delegate will represent X number of members as their head
That 1 delegate may not vote according to the desire of member's mandate

Hence such system in the eyes of modern democracy is consider outdate
PKR practices the policy of 1 member, 1 vote to decide on the leadership's fate
Such system would be much accurate
In determining the most qualified leaders to run a party or even a nation at a better rate

The 1 member, 1 vote will limit the practice of corruption into slower pace
As its a lot harder for every single members to be "purchase"
It will make Malaysia's reputation to improve and foreigners will have more faith
In addition, it will also make Malaysia looks great

No doubt, PKR has encounter a number of problems as of late
Perhaps some people want to rush to the top without much wait
They have been so used to the old way and waiting is something they hate
Due to dissatisfaction, they walked away and criticize that PKR's democracy is fake

Whether is real or fake, we need to asked those members who have voted instead
They will be able to tell you if they were given a chance to vote or has been played
Some people said that everything looks good on paper just like a beautiful cake
However, the cake has lousy taste

At least PKR is trying very hard to improve their skills for a nice bake
Eventhough the problems are putting the party at stake
In order to solve this equation, it requires patience as more time will be take
Lets hope such democracy will not fade


  1. This is a step forward. The ultimate goal is for every individual in Malaysia be a thinking person. WANTS the politicians to WORK or them. Warning the politicians all the time that they WILL be fired at any mistake. This is a start and lets have a Bill of Rights for every individual in Malaysia!

    Good on you Anson , you sure you do not want to be a poet?LOL

  2. I write to entertain. Turning a boring script into music. Thats all
