28 December, 2010

New Year Resolution

As New Year approaches, many of us are feeling the excitement
Many of us are probably started making New Year's resolutions
Hoping that we can make a great achievement
That will give us utmost satisfactions

Some plans to attend weight management
Others plans to take a nice vacation
Students plans to excel in their education
Those who are working are hoping to get a promotion

However, New Year resolution often fade away before it gets into full momentum
Normally it started to fade before it reaches Spring season
Overtime many of us forgot our "original destination"
Perhaps we got tired in view that the "destination" is still far away before it can happen

Let us understand that achievements takes ample amount of patience
Resolution must be make in an "achievable portion"
We do not need to make annual resolution as many mentioned
However, we can make quarterly resolution that sounds more realistic to implement

Throughout the year, there will be obstacles that are beyond our predictions
The longer the period of our resolution, the greater the challenge
Shorter resolution would be better as it would be easy to handle with lesser problem
Hence, it would speed up our accomplishments

Happy New Year and may all the resolutions you made becomes certain!!!

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