17 December, 2010

Selangor Government are trying their best

Before the previous general election, PR coalition promised the people free water
When they became the government, they kept their promise which they made earlier
We cannot deny that when we can see the water bill visible and clear
At least that is the first step they are trying to make the people's life better

Then came along Syabas being a jerk altogether
Trying to raise the water bill further
People wonder what's the stories behind this perpetrator
Who are trying to make the people suffer

Water is free by nature
People are charge because of the cost of processing however
Nevertheless, its understood all over the world that the charge must be very reasonable
As human needs water to be alive, at least that's basic factor must be consider

In some countries, water were paid for by the government or ruler
Some states in the US, its a violation if one does not even offer water to street passer
A simple rule that even a kindergarten kid would understand about this principle
Its sad that some people/companies were monopolizing this to make them richer

Syabas has never mention about raise of water prices during the previous tenure
Now only they talk about the increase by quoting cost factors
Raising by over 30% does not justified even if we take inflation into the counter
What Syabas did is almost like a daylight robbery except its "legal"

Water companies must not be monopolize as it will become the "people's killer"
If they monopolized, then strict rules must be implement and properly monitor
Syabas is one inconsiderate water supplier
They will cut the water supply if no payment receive in 2 months regardless of rich or poor

Sources:  Selangor State Government

1 comment:

  1. Syabas has a strong leader and helping the other leader to supply h20 for FREE in the future regardless rich or poor!
