21 January, 2011

Responsibility of an elected State Representative

An elected State Representative has serious duties for his people
They has been given the trust to be the "problem solver"
Any failure from his part would be totally unacceptable
It's consider breach of trust when he has sworn upon oath to be good legislator

Defection to another political party/coalition is already consider improper
Not attending meetings would be downright irresponsible
Denying his wrongdoings would be a straight liar
Such legislator should be suspended forever

An elected State Representative must be a good listener
He must understand the problem his constituency face on a daily manner
He must organize meetings to meet his fellow voters
Regardless if they are or not his supporters

When an elected State Representative has taken his oath as lawmaker
He would automatically becomes a public servant who serves everyone without barrier
Only that way, he can emerge stronger
Only then, he will be respected and be re-elected in the future

Those who gone into hiding and citing poor health would not make things better
If poor health is what he has claimed, then he is not fit to be a leader
He should instead resign and make way for others
Otherwise, it would be deemed as selfish and an advantage taker

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