29 August, 2010

In Loving Memory of Mother Teresa

It's like the best gift from heaven
That came to this world to show us the meaning of enlightenment
No words can explain the logic of this person
As her contribution to this world was way beyond imaginations

Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu a.k.a Mother Teresa was born as an Albanian
She later obtained her citizenship as an Indian
She was born into a family that was rether affluent
As her father was a politician

She left her family at the age of 18 and started her planned mission
Initially she studied English in Ireland
Later she went to India and taken her vow as a nun
She started teaching in Loreto Convent

She was asked to move to Calcutta to provide help and assistance
Being a devoted nun, she sacrificed everything that has in her possession
She worked so hard for the poor and gave her utmost devotion
Without even complaining about all the problems

She put so much of effort lobbying the Indian government
Hoping to attract some serious attention
Her effort did brought some improvement
Especially when the Indian government acknowledged her existance

Mother Teresa has push for more reforms by requesting support from the Vatican
The Vatican gave her the permission
That allowed her to proceed with expansion
Through expansion, her organization received more recruits and donations

Her organization expanded to South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Middle Easterns
Especially people who needs medical attention and those living in poor conditions
Over the years, she has received numerous amount of recognition
From Nobel Peace Prize to US Presidential Medal of Freedom

We can go on and on about Mother Teresa and her lifetime dedication
It would be hard for us to even find a point of conclusion
She was one of the World Greatest Hero filled with nothing but compassion
Her contribution will be remember for generations

As Mother Teresa is no longer present
We can only continue her legacy by moving in accordance with her direction
We may not find another Mother Teresa at the current moment
However, we can continue cultivating love and compassion into human civilization

Sources:  Wikipedia


  1. Its great you are reminding us to remember those that have enriched the lives of so many and pay tribute to their lives work and sacrifices. So keep it up!

    btw, you wanted some comments about style, structure and language. I hope you take this in good spirit. Firstly I think you should pay attention to sentence construction - proper use of verbs, nouns, pass and present tenses and spelling mistakes. Secondly poetry is about encouraging deep reflection; similes and metaphors are often used to make the reader think about the subject/topic, so subtletly is useful. Poetry is also about drawing from other people's life experiences and making it your own. So readers can associate it to their own journey in life. I would read some of the poetry written by Keats, Wordsworth just to name a few to get an idea. I often find personal experiences most rewarding more so that talking about events too great to comprehend and too complex.

    Whilst ramblings can surprise it sometimes feels uncoordinated. You can't tailor to all audience so perhaps a narrower focus on a few subject matters might encourage readers to follow. Readers are also interested in your opinions not a re-enactment of history. For example, whilst I condemn the barbaric acts of 9/11, I also wish American's can be more tolerant and learn to build bridges to more moderate muslims as well as removing support for Jewish settlement in Gaza. The Jewish settlement in Gaza / West Bank and denial of basics such as water has longer term implications - a slow but surely a genocide.

    I hope it helps!

    Keep it up!

  2. Thanks for sharing this, Anson.

    She is truly a light and an inspiration to all mankind.

  3. Daniel

    Thanks a lot for your constructive comments. You certainly make some good points. I will look into it
