02 September, 2010

Racism MUST STOP!!!

Namewee has come into limelight
For the video clip he posted in You Tube site
According to him, it was the remark by Principal Siti that make his anger high
Hence, he decided to send her a message via this video clip to flush her pride

As the saying goes, 2 wrongs does not make 1 right
Principal Siti is suppose to educate the school children to be bright
Instead she made such unhealthy remarks that make the society cried
Her remarks clashed with PM Najib's 1 Malaysia's plight

Namewee must learn to slow down with his temper that flies
Although he is trying to stand on the victim's side
Nevertheless, victory is not win by putting up a fight
As fighting will only generate hatred from a wave to a tide

Racism MUST STOP altogether as more and more people dislike
Nobody benefits when hatred always appear on our sight
Intimidation will not make anyone fright
It will only aggravate tension to a serious height

"We cannot fight darkness with darkness but we can fight darkness with light, we cannot fight hatred with hatred but we can fight hatred with love"    -  Dr Martin Luther King Jr


  1. Sokong, Anson. I copied the following from Din Merican's fb....
    "Ani Arope: I like your opening sentence when you described Dr. Kamsiah's dad was an ordinary Policeman who was a first generation Pakistani. Had she been born with a silverspoon in her mouth she wouldn't be what she is today. When her grandparents lik...e most of our gradparents who came here, they had a strong motivation and that was to escape permanently the limits of hardship of their homeland. So they worked hard and above all they dreamt big for their children.They saw opportunities that went unnoticed by the locals and within one generation their children made it. Technically speaking I am a second geration of 'Pendatangs' on my fathers' side and third on my maternal side. 'Pendatangs' have an almost religious reverence for education . They see this as a sure opening to escape the quagmares of poverty."

  2. Namewee may not done it appropriately but his intention is noble. That's what I feel
