18 October, 2010

A good move by PM Najib Tun Razak

The budget 2011 has finally seen
Many new plans have cropped up like beans
Some has received applause from the public as a win
Others continue to received poor feedback that were mean

There are obviously pros and cons in everything
One thing that catches the eye would be tax exemption for vehicles with hybrid engineering
As this is one of the effort that he has taken on going green
A move which many of us view as "the right link"

Not only it would help the people from paying
It will also help the environment to be clean
As going green would mean the amount of carbon emission dropping
The air that flows would be good for breathing

This move certainly deserve praising
For once, he really knows how to think
Lets hope that this good plan will not sink
Lets hope that this good plan will pass through in Parliament without anyone opposing

"Going green will keeps us clean, being clean will makes us think"

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