19 October, 2010

Warisan Merdeka Tower??? What a BAD IDEA!!!

A proposal has been made to build Warisan Merdeka Tower
It will be a 100 storey skyscraper located in city center
An estimation of M$ 5 Billion be spent to materialize this honor
Without taking into consideration of possible inflation that may rises further

M$ 5 Billion is an enormous sum of money that we may need to seriously consider
Our economy may be resilient but global threats that may affect our economy are all over
This sum of such magnitude can be use to improve health care and education for the better
It can also be use to improve our public securities and infrastructure

Not that we have forgotten our Merdeka spirit altogether
However we should use our resources for bread and butter
We can always build this tower in another 10 years
When we have sufficient reserve that we don't have to worry about the next hour

For now, the government must understand the nation's priority before situation turn sour
Spending money without possessing it is just like playing with fire
Lets hope our PM will not give in just to oblige some moron past leaders
PM must understand that our nation will be at stake if M$ 5 Billion turns into vapor

This is M$ 5 Billion of HARD EARNED MONEY from tax payers
Where these monies are suppose to help the hardcore poor
Not to enrich a handful of developers and contractors
Hence, building Warisan Merdeka Tower is surely a bad idea

Sources:  The Star (October 16, 2010)


  1. Bloody waste of our tax money. We really have to get rid of them before they piss away even more of what money that we don't have

  2. Don't worry, we got plenty of oil and we can continue to spend like no other people's business
