23 April, 2011

RESPECT YOURSELF before others respect you

It's utmost disturbing to learned about the behavior of some Perak State YBs'
They deliberately ignore the official attire code during the meeting of the State Assembly
We do not know what are their reasons or agenda exactly
However, such behavior would only reflect cheap and low class mentality

The issue of official attire has been debated for years by some party
As if it is a national issue that affects everybody
When such protocol has been upheld for centuries
What is the big fuss of dressing up properly?

One should be feeling VERY PROUD to be given the opportunity
Because the attire are meant for highly respected leaders only
Only idiots would debate its legitimacy
Perhaps they have nothing better to do for the society

If they are unhappy with any state policies
They can always voice out openly
If they continue to be unhappy
Then they can always give their ceramah all over the country

As what Raja Nazrin said, "How a person dress would define their intelligence and ability"
Such action would only hurt their own credibility
It would not improve their popularity
Instead it would only demonstrate their incompetency

Some leaders should stop behaving like monkey
All these sulking and shouting would only make them look like babies
Both sides (Ruling & Opposing) must put the people's interest as priority
If that is too hard to achieve, then they should resign gracefully

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