14 April, 2011

Sarawak is a VERY WEALTHY state!!!

Sarawak should have been the wealthiest state
Just count the number of oil fields and we know that it cannot be fake
It's almost like God gifted present in the first place
The amount of oil produce in barrels really rakes

Its almost like being shower with $100 bills on a high speed rate
Sarawakians must have feel very lucky and great
The level of poverty should be zero instead
As the state economy grow in such a tremendous pace

The people should be given free tuition fees all the way to college
Free healthcare and medical facilities when they age
Free highways without having to pay for toll all the way
And many more as we can continue to say

Unfortunately, that is not the case
As only some people can afford to sleep on an expensive bed
Drinking and eating with golden glass and plates
Traveling all over the world without having to pay

Living in huge mansion that heavily guarded with big gates
Driving around with Ferari and Rolls Royce with his LATEST HOT DATE
Owning a private yatch that take them out to blue ocean for a nice break
Not to mention flying with style on his private G6

Some people must be very lucky to indulge all these wonderful taste
What a wonderful life that made him so exceptionally amazed
While the other poor Sarawakians were fighting hard to change their fate
God willing, these poor Sarawakians will be able to find a solution before it's too late

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