11 May, 2011

School bully

Malaysia is on her way to be the first world economy
Malaysia is on her way to be the first world democracy
Malaysia has already built a number of world class facilities
Yet, many Malaysians are still having the third world mentality

SMK Raja Abdullah in Kepong has came into limelight recently
Not because the school did well academically
Not because the students has win any sports trophy
But sickening and heart breaking stories

A "slow learner" has been abused by her own classmates badly
These devils beat her up and cut her hair while she was screaming loudly
While another devil was recording the video clip intentionally
Then force another student to post it in Facebook for everyone to see

Such incident has been going for months and it was known to the school authority
Nevertheless, they choose to keep it quietly
Perhaps the school authority do not want to have bad publicity
Thinking that covering up would be much easy

Eventually, the video clip has finally been exposed publicly
The amount of outcry has gone up tremendously
It got the attention all the way to the Education Ministry
Not to mention press, radio and TV

The school principal only give 2 week suspension to those who were guilty
Without thinking about the pain and trauma of the poor student and her family
2 week suspension???  More like 2 week vacation in Bali
These devils should be force to was toilets or being cane during school assemblies

One of the teachers even blame the students for making this issue "hot & juicy"
While the school authority even suggest the victim to be transfer out immediately
The principal even try to clean his hands and do not want to hold any responsibility
That goes to show just how low is their education level and quality

It was also known that the school has "underworld fraternity"
Which may also explains why the school authority do not want to be nosey
As they were also worry for their own personal safety
Which makes these devils become a bigger bully

Perhaps its high time for Ministry of Education to remove the principal permanently
Instead engage another principal from the army academy
These devils would be more fearful with commanders in the military
As they are not afraid of threats from these "little department" of sorority

That's the only way these menace can be eradicated indefinately
That's the only way the school can bring back her past glory
That's the only way the students will be able to study peacefully
That's the only way the parents can feel more comfortably

Sources:  The Star, Malay Mail, NTV7

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