Its like reading a comic book, then we realized it was today's newspaper
Some people are simply THICK SKIN and have the guts to ask for the impossible
To be exact, it's like asking someone to hand over their wallet
The headline says, "One maid for one chore" with minimum wage of $700
For a moment, we thought it was a joke that made up by the Indonesian Labor Minister
Then again, newspaper only publish facts and figures
Finally, we have to accept that this man is not a joker
His demand is so great that many find it hard to accept his proposal
Indonesia has been a lousy neighbor
If you read my past posting, I don't have to elaborate any deeper
Many of their people are world class blood sucker
Although I must say there are also good people
Throwing such demands opens to 2 possible answers
Are they trying to rob us when we are desperate for workers?
Or are they just trying to ask us to get lost and not negotiate with them any further?
Whichever the outcome, this proposal is not working to our favor
Perhaps its time for us to source from others places
Since our sincerity is not being appreciated
No point begging the Indonesian authority as its a waste of time and resources
Let them send their people to anywhere they desire
Better still, let us not depend so much on foreigners
Let us try to hire a local
Especially retired people such as Mak Cik and Aunties who are still capable
It's still worthwhile to pay them a little higher
In view of the enormous sum of upfront charges
That Malaysians would have to pay before the service even render
The "warranty" is not completely cover
More so, the period of validity is so short that its working against the employer
Enough is enough, Malaysians are not beggars
Why should we keep up with those who are unreasonable?
Its time we teach the Indonesians to be more well manner
By not giving into their crazy and wild ideas
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