17 May, 2012

Keep politics away from children

As we often hear, children are innocent

They hardly hold serious grudges or plan for future retaliation

They often speak the truth even if it sounds unpleasant

They will have good future if they were given proper education

Of late, we can really see the ugly part of Malaysian politicians

Some politicians has stoop so low all in the name of being a champion

We hear some were fighting for good governance

Others were fighting for cleaner elections

Many claim to be the greatest buddy of Malaysians

Certain groups also wants to voice their opinion

Then, there are crazy extremist who make wild allegations

The list goes on and its unlikely we will see any conclusion

Nevertheless, it hurts to see parents bringing their kids to street demonstration

While its important to educate them and feed them with information

The subject of politics should be kept out in order to avoid any confusion

Children are not ready to digest anything that may spark serious commotion

Its best not to even discuss politics in their presence

As adult, we should have parental discretion

Keep our children's mind clear from any ill development

Let them learn the meaning of love and compassion

The day will come when they will understand the meaning of revolution

Meanwhile, we should nature them with profound dedication

Let them grow up to become an upstanding citizen

Not building hatred that may eventually lead to national terrorism

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