16 October, 2011

Joint patrol of police and army

Our government is doing a pilot project on joint patrol between the police and army
This is a wonderful news for everybody
In view of the crime rate that has increased tremendously
What can I say but the call is timely

If we remember back in the 1970s
When Rukun Tertangga were practiced widely and actively
It involved almost the entire community
Crime rate was under control and people walked around safely

With the influx of foreigners into this country
With criminals getting more violent and technology savvy
With inadequate number of policemen graduating from the police academy
We can safely say that the army would be the solutions to counter this problem effectively

After all, Malaysia is no longer in the period of emergency
Nor we have any serious foreign enemies
Except for possible terrorism that has so far not reach our boundary
Hence, a small percentage of the army personnel should be deploy for national security

This move would raise the Prime Minister's popularity
If he can implement it immediately
Instead of just talking for the sake of getting publicity
As for now, situation is bad in view of the numbers of victims suffered from brutality

Malaysians in general will give support and cooperation to the authorities
So long as the police and army are there for security reasons only
Prime Minster must order the Home Minister to act swiftly
Before the entire situation turns out ugly

Sources:  The Star (Oct 16, 2011)

11 October, 2011

The abolishment of death penalty requires in depth study

Nora Murat, the Executive Director of Amnesty International Malaysia made her stand
That death penalty should be totally abolish and banned
In order for human rights to prevail as part of the guideline and policy of UN
As death penalty is now being view as inhumane and getting out of trend

Perhaps Ms. Murat has lost her sense
What about the victim's family and friends?
Are they suppose to bare the pain while seeing the perpetrator "ran?"
If this goes on, then how on earth would the perpetrator stop committing the offense?

Ms. Murat should consider the followings before making her comments
What if her loves ones has been rape and murder by a serial rapist with his bare hands?
What if her loves ones died due to over dosage of drugs as the pusher is a greedy man?
Lets see if she will be the supportive on capital punishment like a "huge fan"

Capital punishment must not end
Nor it should ever be amend
At least not for severe cases that could harm the life of other countrymen
It may not be the trend, but for protection we ought to say "THANKS"

Sources:  The Star (October 11, 2011)

09 October, 2011

Tribute to Steve Jobs

56 years ago, this great man was sent here by God
Since then, he has upgraded technology to a new course
He has changed the world when many people often says "cannot"
He has made the world believes that everything was possible if our plans were properly plot

From the beginning when computers were bulky, he made Macintosh
Then, he converted musics which was program in CD into I-Pod
He even produced I-Phone which makes internet service "jogs"
Recently, he made I-Pad which has better features than an ordinary lap top

The world has finally became closer, thanks to his intelligence and support
Technology became accessible, thanks to his products that price at reasonable cost
People became more well informed, thanks to the technology that he brought
The world has now changed for the better, thanks to his dedication that never stops

Despite making an enormous fortune, the poor and needy has came to his thoughts
Unlike some rich people who only knows how to talk
He proved it by writing checks and "walk the walk"
He was the man who knows best with his own job

Now this great man has been "rob"
As far as the world community are concern, he has left a deep and permanent dot
His success were respected by many even his former staunch rival Microsoft
May you rest in peace Steve Jobs

21 September, 2011

Malaysian ISA has finally ABOLISHED!!!

Many Malaysians were wondering
As if they just woke up from their dream
That ISA (Internal Security Act) which many Malaysians define as "Stink"
Will soon be dispose permanently into dustbin

When PM Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak took over the premiership, he gave a hint
That ISA will be review as the draconian law is being view as a "great sin"
Just the eve of Malaysian Day, the hint has finally came clean
PM Najib Razak took a drastic courage in abolishing it

Many Malaysians were delighted with the message that PM Najib Razak bring
It makes Malaysians proud of what they heard and seen
Although some Pakatan leaders were seem to be skeptic over this
They even question if PM Najib Razak were really genuine

Some said it's because General Election is approaching
Then again, General Election has happened many times, did our past PMs did anything?
So it's the will of PM Najib Razak to do something
At least for that he deserves the full credit

Nevertheless, if we analyze carefully and not being "totally green"
We would realize that the political scenario is uncertain while economy is fluctuating
Hence, no Malaysians can really tell which political party will win
Or who will be governing after March 2013 (Due date for parliament to dissolve)

It's a very smart move by PM Najib Razak in what he is doing
By eliminating ISA, he is actually defusing the time bomb from exploding
Should Barisan loses, there will be no ISA for Pakatan government in enforcing
Obviously, Pakatan government will look bad if they make an attempt in reintroducing

PM Najib Razak is no kindergarten boy who knows nothing
He is one man who knows just about everything
Taking careful steps so that no potshots are throw to him
Yet making everyone happy without realizing

23 August, 2011

When people turn against leaders (Especially those who overstayed)

As the world progress, democracy has become the issue to many people
People are well inform these days and bad issues are hard to cover
It's no longer the question of bread and butter
But it's now the question of government being held accountable

This year alone, there were 3 fallen leaders
It begun with Ben Ali of Tunasia who was a famous dictator
Then, Hosni Mubarak whom his government were badly corrupted
Now, Mohd Gaddhafi who has been known to be brutal

Leaders must understand that the patience of people must not be taken for granted
Toleration has limits and leaders must not be cross over
A leader may not be perfect but people would not revolt if he is reasonable
If a leader only cares for himself and not others, then one day he shall regret forever

Often times, these bad leaders claimed that it was "foreign forces" that stirred trouble
That, it was because of oil & gas that these "foreign forces" were interested
Then again, if a leader were to understands the fundamental of human behavior
It would be hard for these "foreign forces" to even start a fire

Some nations has even ban Facebook altogether
They thought that it was the problem of Mark Zuckerberg
Then again, he was not the only "perpetrator"
As there are other channels such as Tweeter and Google

Leaders must not indulge their lifestyle using the nation's coffer
Some leader's spouse has bought handbags and rings that were worth millions of dollars
Yet they will deny all their scandals
Despite the amount of evidence being exposed by so many quarters

Holding a high ranking post is not a joke, be it President or Prime Minister
Every single dollar spent must be reported, be it substantial or minor
Every class have their right to speak, be it millionaires or even street beggar
Leaders must learn to respect the people, regardless of their religion and skin color

12 August, 2011

Cool limit @ 24 degree

It's a good ruling for government offices to set their aircond temperature @ 24 degree
Datuk Seri Peter Chin made a smart move in giving mother nature a chance to breathe
In addition, it would also save the cost of electricity
A move that many people would love to see

As what Datuk Seri Peter Chin said, it would make everyones' life much easy
Not having to wrap themselves with layers of jackets that are messy
After all, 24 degree feels like Genting Highland already
Anything lower than 24 degree would only be wasting money

It would be good to see if all private sectors adhere to this theory
Through savings, it would also stimulate the nation's economy
Perhaps the only casualties would be TNB and their associated IPP
Then again, they already made more than enough and got nothing to worry

Some places will be exempted by this ruling such as operating theater and laboratory
It would be better if developer can make building that are "nature friendly"
Where the structures can allow air to flow freely
Or roofing materials that can transfer into solar energy

Sources:  The Star (August 12, 2011)

05 August, 2011

The raid by JAIS on the church

A mosque, a church, or a temple is a holy place
It should not be distract or harm in anyway
The recent "Muhibah" gathering by all races and religious people was consider great
Why on earth did JAIS organized that raid?

As Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak often says
Our nation must be united so that we can stay competitive and win the race
This particular raid should not even have surface
It is as if the church has committed serious offense in the state

The church has ultimately lose her "face"
When her intention was to build a harmonious country for Malaysians to enjoy and stay
JAIS has barked the wrong tree in this case
Has the church violated any laws that deserve all these menace?

There are irresponsible people who tries to make people hate
Perpetrating problems that would create bad taste
Just not too long ago, a church in the city was being toss by blaze
Then there was also a surau that were sabotage along the way

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak should order the Home Ministry to keep the nation safe
Those who tries to destabilize the nation should be put into ISA
After all, it does not look like ISA will ever be abolish as of today
Might as well make use of it on those scums before its too late

15 July, 2011

Firing tear gas & water cannon into Tung Shin Hospital? Is it true?

Much has been said about Bersih and how police force handle the entire situation
Some said that some police officers were brutal with their actions
They were literally beating up civilians
Of course, all these has been denied by the police department

To make matters worse, there were more serious allegations
That Tung Shin Hospital were not spared from tear gas & water cannon
Which were again strongly denied by police, health minister and hospital management
However, there were 11 doctors who signed the affidavit and made a joint statement

Perhaps its high time for all the relevant parties to study the entire situation
By watching the video clips and photos taken
Because photos and videos would be the best evidence
To strengthen the case in the event of prosecution

Police Department is suppose to be a respected institution
They would be the one whom people approach when there is a problem
The integrity of the police must be adhere as an example to the nation
Hence, police brutality will undermine their reputation

Hospital is a protected sanctuary for patients
It's not a place for any sort of commotions
The protesters were also inconsiderate when they use hospitals as "shield protections"
The police (if it's true) were immature and were lack of professionalism

06 July, 2011

A restaurant in Kuala Lumpur serving SUN BEAR!!!

It's by far the most disturbing and saddest news
On how a restaurant can even serve parts of SUN BEAR as their menu
This restaurant owner and their customers are REALLY SICK making me PUKE
They are not even being define as human in whichever languages we use

What has gone wrong to our society with such abused?
When are the restaurant owner together with the customers going to be prosecute?
Or will be another case of "close one eye" with nothing but plenty of excuse
Justice must be serve and it has been LONG DUE

I hope Prime Minister Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak will take this cue
Give a STERN ORDER to the justice department for the laws to be review
That abuser will be put behind bars with heavy fines for each animal they kill

Like any animals, SUN BEARS are cute
They are endangered species and needs protection as they should
So that our children will get to learn about them in future and be amuse
Let SUN BEARS lives and let their population continue to build

Sources:  The Star (July 6, 2011)

28 June, 2011

Hope must be realistic

YB Lim Kit Siang said that Pakatan Rakyat hopes to win with a big leap
By retaining Penang, Kelantan, Kedah and Selangor on their list
Grabbing Perak back into their league
While taking Negeri Sembilan, Malacca, Johore, Pahang, Trengganu and Perlis

Is YB Lim dreaming or is he just overly optimistic?
To retain 4 states would be challenging and may need to fight with an iron fist
Grabbing Perak would be like a kindergarten kid beating up Chuck Norris
Taking another 6 more states would be moving mountain into sea

Being a seasoned politician, he must be realistic
In view of the present political scenario, such hope can be deceptive
Party members will be badly demoralize if the "big dream" cannot be achieve
The best thing to do is going back to basic

If Pakatan Rakyat can retain the 4 states, it would be consider another "wonderful hit"
Hence, MP and ADUN of Pakatan Rakyat should do their work instead of talking big
Too many "ceramahs" also make people sick
Can't they realize that the crowd are getting lesser even as we speak?

Not that YB Lim's hope is not sweet
But getting things done would be the best way to gain trust indeed
For now, Pakatan Rakyat should just stay focus to keep their seats
Because without seats, there is no way Pakatan Rakyat can lead

Sources:  The Star (June 27, 2011)

20 June, 2011

BERSIH rally should be approve with conditions

Much has been said about BERSIH rally
Especially when the 13th General Election is about to take place in this country
The organizer are demanding for election transparency
By handing over a memorandum to the monarchy

Malaysia has always hail democracy
Hence, the people should be given the opportunity
To voice their dissatisfactory
In order for the government to improve their KPI quality

Of course, some people are concern about the rally security
As in the past some of these rally may have turned nasty
Especially when the supporters started to behave rowdy
That may cause many uncertainties

Some claimed that traffic will be stand still indefinitely
Others claimed that their business would be affected badly
Then there are those who worries about their belongings and properties
That could be vandalize which were not protected under their insurance policies

Home Minister has also given stern warning to everybody
That they will be subject to arrest if participate as it was done illegally
Perhaps Home Minister should give an approval to the organizing committee
Subject to terms and conditions that the organizer must adhere strictly

Not allowing the rally would affect the Barisan Nasional administration negatively
As if the Barisan Nasional has hidden agenda or were downright guilty
The Barisan Nasional administration should approve this rally to become reality
Then they can prove that democracy is alive unlike claims by some irresponsible parties

Our Prime Minister is "very clean" just like cloths that came out of the laundry
Prime Minister should take it easy and have nothing to worry
After all, its also a great time to show our democracy to President Robert Mugambe
Since he is presently in town to enhance diplomacy

If Prime Minister can give BERSIH such guarantee
Then Prime Minister's approval rating should soar immediately
His action will tell the world just how honorable he can be
We will remember him as a great leader with superb and distinctive superiority

01 June, 2011

World Tobacco Day

An awareness day to push for an "Anti Tobacco" drive
Which comes in 2 different types
Smoking which known all over the world from Hawaii to Dubai
While tobacco chewing are not as popular due to the taste that's "not so nice"

Smoking triggers "second hand smokes" that are bad for others who are nearby
Tobacco chewing causes smell contamination even when the spited saliva are dried
Either one, the consequences that it brings are detrimental if we should even try
Our health will be badly affected that one day we will sit down and cry

Government around the world must put up with this fight
Stop all these menace before more people have to die
For a start, all tobacco related commercial must be ban even in website
Subsequently, smoking in all public places must be ban with "No Smoking" signs

This ban must be enforce strictly tight
Those who violated the law will be punish with hefty fine at sight
This would cause severe inconvenience to smokers whenever they plan to light
Slowly but surely, it would also save their own life

All outlets must request for ID and all the buyer's details must be write
Each buyer will have limited purchase so that they do not abuse their rights
Other ways to control would be regulate the number of outlets that supply
Also require every outlet to be install with CCTV so that nothing can be hide

Some argued that cigarette companies helps the economy strive
How can that be true when people's health are getting "fried"
Productivity will continue to decline
Eventually, the nation would be hurt even more when people have "lost their mind"

The threat of cigarette smoking and tobacco chewing are real hence must not be left behind
It will create health, economy, social problems that put a nation close to the danger line
Government around the world must wake up and not be blind
As the problem grows and we are running out of time

29 May, 2011

A Rolls Royce & MYR 10,000 up for grabs

Kedah KITA Chief Zamli Ibrahim has made an offer of the century
A Rolls Royce Silver 111 and MYR 10,000 of cold hard cash as bounty
To search for a man who resembles DS Anwar Ibrahim in looks and body
This offer is has certainly made the public happy

Nevertheless, such offer can never be practical for many
Other than the $10,000 cold hard cash that can be use for daily groceries
The Rolls Royce can only resembles as beauty
Instead, it would be a long term burden to the beneficiary

The maintenance would be very costly
The road tax would be someone's annual salary
The insurance premium, it's impossible to service literally
Worse still, the recipient may not able to sell the car easily

We salute Zamli Ibrahim for his determination in fighting for the video's authenticity
With such determination, that shows how much he cares for the nation's dignity
Perhaps YDP Agong should confer him a Tunship for his love of our country
Better still, we should be propose his name as Nobel Prize nominee

Sources:  The Star (May 30, 2011)

26 May, 2011

Acid splasher in Klang Valley

This is becoming a national threat
It has been on going for months without rest
Victim after victim who were caught in this trap
Causing physical and mental pain that hurt so bad

It remind me about the Washington DC shooting spree sometime back
The perpetrators were really hard to get
Let alone to even arrest
It also took sometime before the perpetrators were tracked

PDRM (Polis DiRaja Malaysia) must get to the hardcore facts
Especially to study and understand the pattern and behavior of this mess
In order to form strategies to counter this pest
Before the perpetrator make another splash

Meanwhile, acid must now be regulated and not sell in mass
Only authorized outlets are allow to do that
Every buyer must present their ID at the desk
Each buyer are limit to the number of purchase they can have

Society must understand that PDRM are not Spiderman who can extend their web
They can only cover so much even if they have done their very best
We must feed them with informations so they don't need to guess
By doing so, the problems would be much easier to crack

Society must always be vigilant and prepare to act
Try to stay indoors unless if there are important matters to address
Avoid walking on the streets as it would encourage more attacks
For ladies, its high time to carry a pepper spray in your handbag

Auto accessories can install "tempered proof tinting" that has been proven by test
They can be costly but what the heck so long they can protect
It can even withstand the force of a baseball bat
At least, that would bring the odds of attack into much less

PDRM must now take very serious steps
They can also consult the FBI for the experience they had
So that this problem will not continue to drag
Otherwise the next victim may ended up with death

16 May, 2011

Happy Wesak Day!!!

A day for Buddhist to get together and pray
A day to remember Lord Buddha in a special way
A day where Lord Buddha was born to alleviate pain and eliminate hate
A day where Lord Buddha leaves the world after delivering those great message

Compassionate to everyone regardless of their religion and race
Spreading love to everyone in order for unity to take place
Being generous to those who suffer from an ill fate
Encourage everyone to have confidence and faith

Let us celebrate joy and laughter on this special day
Let us celebrate peach and harmony as we may
Let us celebrate love and respect for those who are senior in age
Let us celebrate friendship and trust in order to break our barrier gates

Happy Wesak Day!!!

11 May, 2011

School bully

Malaysia is on her way to be the first world economy
Malaysia is on her way to be the first world democracy
Malaysia has already built a number of world class facilities
Yet, many Malaysians are still having the third world mentality

SMK Raja Abdullah in Kepong has came into limelight recently
Not because the school did well academically
Not because the students has win any sports trophy
But sickening and heart breaking stories

A "slow learner" has been abused by her own classmates badly
These devils beat her up and cut her hair while she was screaming loudly
While another devil was recording the video clip intentionally
Then force another student to post it in Facebook for everyone to see

Such incident has been going for months and it was known to the school authority
Nevertheless, they choose to keep it quietly
Perhaps the school authority do not want to have bad publicity
Thinking that covering up would be much easy

Eventually, the video clip has finally been exposed publicly
The amount of outcry has gone up tremendously
It got the attention all the way to the Education Ministry
Not to mention press, radio and TV

The school principal only give 2 week suspension to those who were guilty
Without thinking about the pain and trauma of the poor student and her family
2 week suspension???  More like 2 week vacation in Bali
These devils should be force to was toilets or being cane during school assemblies

One of the teachers even blame the students for making this issue "hot & juicy"
While the school authority even suggest the victim to be transfer out immediately
The principal even try to clean his hands and do not want to hold any responsibility
That goes to show just how low is their education level and quality

It was also known that the school has "underworld fraternity"
Which may also explains why the school authority do not want to be nosey
As they were also worry for their own personal safety
Which makes these devils become a bigger bully

Perhaps its high time for Ministry of Education to remove the principal permanently
Instead engage another principal from the army academy
These devils would be more fearful with commanders in the military
As they are not afraid of threats from these "little department" of sorority

That's the only way these menace can be eradicated indefinately
That's the only way the school can bring back her past glory
That's the only way the students will be able to study peacefully
That's the only way the parents can feel more comfortably

Sources:  The Star, Malay Mail, NTV7

08 May, 2011

Politicians must not be way too old

We often hear, "Old is gold"
That would be true if we are refering to a bottle of Henessy XO
Or a piece of land that is freehold
Of course, our parents as we often told

However, politicians are not being the case as the reality unfold
Because they are anchor to the community and society as a whole
It's a public duty and it's certainly not a joke
It affects thousands, perhaps millions of people from young to old

If a politicians is way too old seeking re-election, we should ask them to hit the road
If they refuse, then we will just vote by saying "No"
Sometimes they will claim that they have ample experience that nobody knows
But what if they suddenly died in office especially when challenges and pressure grows?

Old means OLD and there are no 2 way on how one can put up a hidden show
New blood cannot flow as long as old blood never roll
Leave office when the time has comes would be the best way to go
Otherwise, they will likely to suffer a huge blow in the polls

"My job is not done yet, so I must continue to lead the role"
"I m yet to find my successor and until I do, this seat will be on hold"
"The nation is my biggest concern, so I must ensure it's under control"
Typical comments by selfish politicians who does not want to be sold

02 May, 2011

Osama Bin Laden may be dead, but would terrorism fade???

The biggest news of the whole decade has finally breaks
Osama Bin Laden, the most wanted man by the US Government is now dead
It's a huge relief after a very long wait
Thanks to the American & Pakistani forces that has done great

Osama Bin Laden may be dead, but would terrorism fade?
Chances are it would not end as these terrorists will continue to stir more hate
They are likely to declare full scale war on United States
Hence, the threat is far from over as of this date

Americans should not throw big parties to celebrate
They should be even more vigilant instead
The Homeland Security Secretary should keep his eyes awake
To ensure that terrorism would not surface

At the same time, President Obama may need to study the root of this case
On how terrorism has seriously spread
And how United States can help resolve this problems without military raids
Only then, terrorism would be able to minimize to less threatening stage

The world has not been living in peace since 9/11 took place
The counter terrorism cost has gone skyhigh and so does the stake
Billions of dollars has been spent and millions lives has been perished
All these mess must be minimize if not eliminate

With the death of Osama Bin Laden that cannot be fake
Looks like President Obama is set to be re-elected with his running mate
He will get all the credit as many said
Then again, George W. Bush did not manage capture him for almost a decade

27 April, 2011

Tribute to Honorable Hero Ong Kim Koon

Mr. Ong Kim Koon was just an ordinary Malaysian
A husband, a father, a grandfather to his beloved wife, children and grand children
Like everyone else, he was a truck driver trying to make a living from his occupation
Except, this man STANDS OUT AND UP as one of the greatest Samaritan

He did the extra ordinary FAR BETTER than any of our politicians
He helped a couple who were about to die in an accident
He did it despite the enormous risk he exposed during the course of action
He has not even check the color or religion

Mr. Ong managed to pull the first victim to a safer position
He then tried to pull the first victim's husband
He was later hit by a Toyota Estima all the sudden
To make matters worse, the driver fled the scene despite his/her negligence

Causing serious injuries upon Mr. Ong that leads to his foot amputation
He was suffering from internal bleeding that worsen his condition
He did not make it to even accept a simple "Thank You" as a token of appreciation
Nevertheless, he will forever be remember for his courage beyond imagination

His grand children were calling "Ah Kong, please wake up" that cuts deep into our emotion
His grand children would never get the chance to hug this great gentleman
His children would not be able to take their father for another vacation
His wife would not be able to have wedding anniversary celebration

Perhaps the general public should offer his family the moral support and donation
At least, that would reduce their burden
It would also be nice if DYMM Sultan Selangor can offer him a state award for his dedication
After all, award must only go to DESERVING cases as DYMM Sultan Selangor mentioned

Politicians can also learn from Mr. Ong about nuturing the nation
Instead of inciting hatred just because they wanted to gain support during elections
Mr. Ong was the GENUINE 1 MALAYSIA citizen
He don't talk much about it BUT he prove that 1 Malaysia statement

As for the driver of Toyota Estima, he/she must not be forgiven
If he/she were to drive Mr. Ong to the hospital earlier, situation may be different
The police must take a HARSH STANCE against the driver with SEVERE PUNISHMENT
Put them behind bars and put his/her Toyota Estima up for public auction

Source:  Malay Mail (April 26, 2011)

23 April, 2011

RESPECT YOURSELF before others respect you

It's utmost disturbing to learned about the behavior of some Perak State YBs'
They deliberately ignore the official attire code during the meeting of the State Assembly
We do not know what are their reasons or agenda exactly
However, such behavior would only reflect cheap and low class mentality

The issue of official attire has been debated for years by some party
As if it is a national issue that affects everybody
When such protocol has been upheld for centuries
What is the big fuss of dressing up properly?

One should be feeling VERY PROUD to be given the opportunity
Because the attire are meant for highly respected leaders only
Only idiots would debate its legitimacy
Perhaps they have nothing better to do for the society

If they are unhappy with any state policies
They can always voice out openly
If they continue to be unhappy
Then they can always give their ceramah all over the country

As what Raja Nazrin said, "How a person dress would define their intelligence and ability"
Such action would only hurt their own credibility
It would not improve their popularity
Instead it would only demonstrate their incompetency

Some leaders should stop behaving like monkey
All these sulking and shouting would only make them look like babies
Both sides (Ruling & Opposing) must put the people's interest as priority
If that is too hard to achieve, then they should resign gracefully

14 April, 2011

Sarawak is a VERY WEALTHY state!!!

Sarawak should have been the wealthiest state
Just count the number of oil fields and we know that it cannot be fake
It's almost like God gifted present in the first place
The amount of oil produce in barrels really rakes

Its almost like being shower with $100 bills on a high speed rate
Sarawakians must have feel very lucky and great
The level of poverty should be zero instead
As the state economy grow in such a tremendous pace

The people should be given free tuition fees all the way to college
Free healthcare and medical facilities when they age
Free highways without having to pay for toll all the way
And many more as we can continue to say

Unfortunately, that is not the case
As only some people can afford to sleep on an expensive bed
Drinking and eating with golden glass and plates
Traveling all over the world without having to pay

Living in huge mansion that heavily guarded with big gates
Driving around with Ferari and Rolls Royce with his LATEST HOT DATE
Owning a private yatch that take them out to blue ocean for a nice break
Not to mention flying with style on his private G6

Some people must be very lucky to indulge all these wonderful taste
What a wonderful life that made him so exceptionally amazed
While the other poor Sarawakians were fighting hard to change their fate
God willing, these poor Sarawakians will be able to find a solution before it's too late

09 April, 2011

MACC (Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission)

MACC was initiated by Malaysia's former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Badawi
To upgrade ACA and revamp transparency
He was doing it out of love for the country
As he was talking about fighting graft since 2003

When MACC was setup, Malaysians were rather happy
As they were looking for positive changes that come their way eventually
In fact, MACC has also received compliments from Hong Kong's ICAC
However, things started to change as soon as Tun Abdullah Badawi left office

Since then, there were many unpleasant stories
Well, to be exact it's almost like a horror movie
MACC has started to investigate many cases which were petty
Cases which not many Malaysian thinks it's worthy

Meanwhile, delaying huge cases involving big mansions and Mercedes
Leaving those huge cases under KIV
Perhaps the officers thought that small cases can be handle much quickly
Hence, it like our teacher advising us to answer exam questions which are easy

While their intention were noble, but they were very unlucky
It begins with the death of a political aide during their custody
That triggered a nationwide protest from various parties
Since then, nobody seem to trust the MACC

While the head of MACC was still trying to improve to gain the trust of everybody
This time by going after "big fishes" and their buddies
So they go after Custom Department as there were alleged of involving "big money"
Then many custom officers were brought in for queries

Then, MACC has started gaining some trust once again from the society
Once again, things has gone really bad with another death of a detainee
When one of the MACC officers found his body
Now Malaysian were having serious doubts about MACC's competency

Whether or not MACC is indeed our national liability
Where the same mistakes were made twice where its almost like double jeopardy
Now MACC has reach the crossroads where she has to decide decisively
On whether or not the entire organization structure needs to do another thorough study

Bad reputation can be very deadly
Right now, MACC's reputation is the lowest compare to other government agencies
If MACC are serious about making a good history
Then, concrete steps must be brought up or people will not trust them indefinitely

01 April, 2011

Politicians are just like baby diapers

We have to keep on changing baby diapers
So that it helps the baby feel cleaner and fresher
As well as to minimize the amount of bacterias
That may cause the baby to vomit or ended up with diarrhoea

Same goes to politicians especially the ones who have been in office for years
Who continue to stay and enrich their family and peers
Regardless of what the outcome may be even if their people suffer in tears
They pretend to be deaf and never hear

When an election is here
They will make ample amount of promises that goes into high gear
Everything that were once impossible is now feasible
Then people tend to forgot everything and all their suffering were just mere

Politicians who has been in office long enough tend to become mischievous
They are so well connected that they no longer have anymore fears
They will do whatever they like and nobody even dares to get near
Hence, a term limit is a must for politicians to adhere

29 March, 2011

Vegetarian Food

She has gained her popularity over the years
When people are becoming more health conscious
Yet it's not as popular as whisky and beer
As the number of consumers were still mere

Vegetarian food has a number of obstacles as we often hear
The number of outlets were limited and locations of outlet were never near
The variety of food were not as substantial
Due to lack of mass productions, sometimes the cost may even be higher

There are many more good reasons to consume vegetarian food however
Although many of us would choose to differ
It has been medically proven to be much healthier
In addition, it has positive effect on the environment factor

Consuming vegetarian food would slow a person from becoming older
Consuming vegetarian food would help us control our temper
Consuming vegetarian food would reduce body odor
Consuming vegetarian food would make fertility stronger

Vegetarian food can also be consume by everyone without fear
As certain food were barred be certain religion which must be adhere
Vegetarian food ended up breaking the barrier
After all, its always better to avoid killing just to meet our hunger

Vegetarian food will become more popular in the future
As more "flesh food" are becoming unsafe due to excessive "chemical"
People are becoming richer and smarter
Hence, they would also want to look better and keep their figure

24 March, 2011

Animal Cruelty MUST STOP!!!

Compare to human, they are not as lucky
They cannot speak up against brutality
Hence, they often suffer quietly
As they are living at humans' mercy

Animals born to this world were often being bully
Being slaughter so that human can indulge their flesh as delicacy
And being slaughter so that human can use their skin to produce leather that are costly
All in the name of popularity and profitability

Animals does not have hatred against humanity
No matter how bad we treat them, they still adhere to their loyalty
They do not even know how to evaluate money
As long as their caretaker give them their basic necessity

They do not know the meaning of being cocky
They do not even know how to be stingy
They are not prejudice against different religion or ethnicity
They do not care if their caretaker is pretty or ugly

All they want are to be happy
Just like human who has one big family
Where they are treated with care, NOT CRUELTY
Where they can live in peace and harmony

Please treat animals with dignity
If we have to slaughter them, make it quickly
Otherwise, be nice and friendly
You never know, they may become our greatest buddy

15 March, 2011

Earthquake & Tsunami in Japan

In recent years, the world has seen more catastrophe just about every region
From floods, earthquakes to volcano eruptions
Perhaps it was due to dramatic climate changes in our weather systems
So much so it's getting harder to get an accurate weather predictions

The recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan happened so sudden
The magnitude of atrocities were way beyond imaginations
Causing massive devastation
Leaving many Japanese in fear and inconvenience

To make matters worse, there were the aftermath continuation
Triggering more problems which were uncertain
There were also fear of nuclear plant's explosion
That may cause more serious problems

Fortunately, the Japanese were united during this moment
They put their interest aside for the sake of the nation
They worked the problems with little argument
At least that would ease the entire situation

Some commented that it's the Karma from their World War 2 aggression
That all these were God's punishment
And the Japanese deserved such destruction
For many good reasons

Only those who were irresponsible would made such statement
The ones who sinned were the older generations
The younger generations has done nothing wrong and were innocent
Hence they does not deserve such treatment

This is no time for hatred and sarcasm
Instead this is the time where the entire world must come to unification
To provide Japan with all the necessary assistance
So that they can get out of this suffocation

If Japan collapse, nobody will benefit from her consequence
There will be no more investments
There will be no more job creation
There will be no more "money making satisfactions"

24 February, 2011

Hollywood celebrities must not be exempted from the law

Many Hollywood celebrities are becoming bad role models for younger generations
Started with all the problems with Paris Hilton
Now more on Lindsay Lohan
Being caught for theft in the shopping department

Prior to that, she was charged for driving under intoxication
After couple of rehabs, it does not seem like she has learn her lesson
Perhaps they think that coming into limelight will make will give them "free advertisement"
Little did they know that they were there for the wrong reasons

The father of Lindsay, Micheal Lohan has came out to make a statement
Saying that his daughter is not a criminal, but her act is just an addiction
That statement he made showed just how irresponsible and arrogant
So if her daughter were to murder someone, can he claim that its an act of depression?

Some people are just plain ignorant
If he don't know how to educate his daughter, then he better keep her in his mansion
Otherwise, someone will take on her with severe punishment
He should instead blame himself for failing to educate his children

Regardless whether they are billionaires of major corporations
Regardless whether they are popular celebrities or sportsman
Regardless whether they are famous politicians
Everyone are subject to the law, NO EXCEPTION!!!

Sources:  Yahoo (February 24, 2011)

18 February, 2011

Term Limit for Prime Minister of Malaysia

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammed suggested a term limit for Prime Ministership
The Former Prime Minister said an 8 year term limit
To ensure the country get the best indeed
Its a great suggestion especially coming from someone who practiced the opposite

An old saying, "Politicians are like baby diapers, you just have to keep changing it"
An 8 year term limit will ensure everyone gets the opportunity "to sit"
As we know, Tun Dr. Mahathir's son is also a deputy minister who is capable and fit
Now it makes us wonder why he say this (Term Limit)

Term limit will show the world of good democracy instead of just the preach
Malaysia should have done that long ago while some Western nations took the lead
Nevertheless, it's not too late when we can start doing it as that's what the nation need
After all, all Malaysians will get the good benefits

Term limit will eliminate politicians with super greed
Term limit will eliminate politicians who never want to hand over their seat
Term limit will eliminate politicians who are medically sick
Term limit will eliminate politicians with plenty of baggage that they carry with

Sources:  The Star (February 18, 2010)

12 February, 2011

The release of "Kuo Ming" Lantern

The Chinese believes that "Kuo Ming" Lantern will send their wishes to heaven
By writing all their wishes on the lantern
The higher they go, the better their chances of achievement
During Chinese New Year, it suppose to be the good time in catching the "momentum"

It's by far the most inconsiderate action
Almost like waiting for disaster to happen
It could kill hundreds if not thousands
In the shortest moment

Such action post serious threats not only for flight passenger but general population
As the "Kuo Ming" lantern can ascend past 10,000ft without a problem
Flying all over without proper direction
Not to mention the fire that is still burning with gas and helium

If the "Kuo Ming" lantern is being suck into a jet engine
There will be a mid air explosion
The debris of aircraft will fall from the skies like nuclear weapon
With the weight of debris plus gravity, we can expect mass destruction

The law must be put into full enforcement
Strict checks must be done by the customs
The importer & suppliers must be put to imprisonment
The buyers must be issue with hefty fines without giving the second consideration

01 February, 2011

Chinese New Year

It's the most important day of the year
It's the day that marks the new beginning with happiness and cheers
It's the day where Chinese folks get together with their family members
It's the New Year in the Chinese calendar

The eve of New Year is where family members get together
For an authentic and wonderful dinner
Talk about the old times that has long disappeared
Making jokes while having beers

As it gets to midnight, families would prepare for prayers
Making wishes to God of Fortune for business to prosper
Giving "Ang Bao" to children so that they will grow up to be smarter
Lighting up fireworks to chase the "evil spirit" that instill fears

The New Year Day would make everyone happier
Friends and family visiting one another
Enhance relationships so that everyone gets closer
Giving hope and offer wisdom for their faith to grow stronger

Lion dance performance make family atmosphere much merrier
The sound of drums and action are suppose to make the family luckier
Making the whole house felt a lot warmer
Fill with nothing but joy and laughters

Chinese New Year is about "getting lucky" which is quite true for many gamblers
Many take the opportunity to have friendly gambling session with their peers
Usually the winner will treat everyone with a nice meal
As a symbol of diplomacy that there are no losers

On the predawn of the 9th day, there will be prayers for God of Emperor
The God of Emperor is consider the savior
Traditionally celebrated by only Fu Kien but now getting popular
Many offer prayers to be healthier and wealthier

On the 15th day, it will be the final day before the celebration is over
Young couples will toss apples and oranges into river
Hoping to find their lifetime partner
It's another version of "Valentine Day" for the youngster

For those who are celebrating, here is wishing you a Happy Chinese New Year!!!

21 January, 2011

Responsibility of an elected State Representative

An elected State Representative has serious duties for his people
They has been given the trust to be the "problem solver"
Any failure from his part would be totally unacceptable
It's consider breach of trust when he has sworn upon oath to be good legislator

Defection to another political party/coalition is already consider improper
Not attending meetings would be downright irresponsible
Denying his wrongdoings would be a straight liar
Such legislator should be suspended forever

An elected State Representative must be a good listener
He must understand the problem his constituency face on a daily manner
He must organize meetings to meet his fellow voters
Regardless if they are or not his supporters

When an elected State Representative has taken his oath as lawmaker
He would automatically becomes a public servant who serves everyone without barrier
Only that way, he can emerge stronger
Only then, he will be respected and be re-elected in the future

Those who gone into hiding and citing poor health would not make things better
If poor health is what he has claimed, then he is not fit to be a leader
He should instead resign and make way for others
Otherwise, it would be deemed as selfish and an advantage taker

12 January, 2011

Trojan Horse

A story about how the city of Troy fell to the hands of their enemies
After 10 years of siege by the Greeks, they were unable to penetrate the city
Until the idea of "internal invasion" that cropped up which may succeed potentially
By sending a group of hidden army

The Greeks selected a group of highly skilled warriors, a group of 30
The Greek left as if they retreated while leaving the Trojan Horse as a troophy
The people of Troy were stupid to think that they have achieved a sound victory
Little did they know about the plot that would become deadly

These hidden warriors exited the Trojan Horse and started attacking Troy internally
It caused major chaos so much so that the people has lost their focus entirely
As continuing "internal fighting" was the catalyst of atrocities
As the city of Troy gets weaker, the Greek sent their army to invade Troy completely

Today, some leaders are still adhering to this theory
Using underarm tactics to gain their power politically
Appointing high ranking government officer whom they can work closely
To bring down an elected and legitimate government that has gained her popularity

There are many ways to address this unorthodox actions as we often hear and see
Defection, coup, treason and the list goes on indefinitely
Its almost like a daylight robbery
Such actions are punishable by death in some countries

07 January, 2011

Open Verdict

Open verdict is another term for "unsolved mystery"
A case without an answer even to the slightest possibility
Where evidence tabled are not relevant or does not have the authenticity
And the prosecutor could not prove beyond a reasonable degree

Any cases related to death must be given strict priority
No matter how complicated it may be
Very rare cases related to death being conclude as "open verdict" by the judiciary
Investigations could have taken years before the case is finalize completely

Death cases are resulted by homicide, suicide, accident or natural death as many see
Unless if the victim has been abducted or murdered by alien as we often watch in movie
Open verdict cannot simply be apply bluntly
Especially when the investigation has been done too discreetly and quickly

Homicide does not have STATUE OF LIMITATION in most countries
Cases will be table again wherever fresh evidence crops up suddenly
The death soul will continue to haunt the perpetrators permanently
The perpetrators will never live their life peacefully