30 December, 2010

Congratulations to MALAYSIA!!!

Congratulations to my fellow Malaysians
Our nation has took home the AFF Suzuki Cup now that we are the champion
It's the best gift God has gave our nation
So much so Dato' Sri PM has declared Friday as a day off for celebrations

Our celebration would also coincide with New Year's party and entertainment
Hence a long weekend fill with nothing but amusement
At the first round in Kuala Lumpur, Indonesian were blaming us for being a nuisance
That we were using laser beams that caused their players serious distractions

When we won the second round in Jakarta, it was all about our players competence
The due credit was also given by many Indonesians
Malaysians often missed the days of Moktar and Soh when we had bad performance
In the 1970s, we were once a popular team in the Asia region

Now that our "Tigers" has rolled out the momentum
We must keep on striving harder for greater challenge
We must also pick our players base on their ability and qualifications
We will get the best cream of the crop if we are strict with our selections

Although its a little impossible to win World Cup title like Latinos and Europeans
As they have people like Puyol and Beckham
Nevertheless, if we can qualify ourselves into World Cup tournament
We have achieve a milestone of achievement

Malaysians are smart and full of talent
We have showed to the world how great our countrymen
From being the renowned shoe designer to Hollywood in action
All the way to the most successful airline in the history of aviation

Yesterday's football finals has also showed the unity of our fellow citizen
Regardless of everyone's background, we have something in common
To cheer for our team to beat our opponent
Looks like it's a good recipe for unification

"Kalau kita percaya, kita akan berjaya"

28 December, 2010

New Year Resolution

As New Year approaches, many of us are feeling the excitement
Many of us are probably started making New Year's resolutions
Hoping that we can make a great achievement
That will give us utmost satisfactions

Some plans to attend weight management
Others plans to take a nice vacation
Students plans to excel in their education
Those who are working are hoping to get a promotion

However, New Year resolution often fade away before it gets into full momentum
Normally it started to fade before it reaches Spring season
Overtime many of us forgot our "original destination"
Perhaps we got tired in view that the "destination" is still far away before it can happen

Let us understand that achievements takes ample amount of patience
Resolution must be make in an "achievable portion"
We do not need to make annual resolution as many mentioned
However, we can make quarterly resolution that sounds more realistic to implement

Throughout the year, there will be obstacles that are beyond our predictions
The longer the period of our resolution, the greater the challenge
Shorter resolution would be better as it would be easy to handle with lesser problem
Hence, it would speed up our accomplishments

Happy New Year and may all the resolutions you made becomes certain!!!

25 December, 2010

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!

Snow are falling,
Bells are jingling,
Choirs are singing,
To mark the birth of the King

People are celebrating,
Some are partying,
Others are barbecuing,
To mark the year that comes to an ending

Resolutions are in making,
Good times are coming,
Hoping for good blessings,
Pray for a great beginning

Be responsible if you are drinking,
If you ever get drunk, let someone else do the driving,
Running into police while you are drunk would be one unpleasant thing,
Spending a couple of nights behind bars will make your guts shrink

Have a good time in whatever you are doing,
Remember to make this holiday season with deep and profound meaning,
Visit your family and friends as part of your wonderful greetings,
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, may you achieve all your hopes and dreams

23 December, 2010

Cameron Highland Bus Tragedy

Looks like 2010 may not be as good of the year for the Ministry of Transport
Having to put up with so many problems although not all of them are entirely their fault
Series of bus accidents and deaths are now haunting their boss
So much so he is fear to answer another phone call

2010 was about to end and many thought that there shall be no more bad reports
Then came the Cameron Highland bus tragedy that got everyone back on talk
Its by far the worst tragedy that took place with the numbers of death reaching the top
Its sad that despite previous lessons, Ministry of Transport are yet to be taught

Now the problem has been highlighted, everyone will try to blame each other on the cause
JPJ would blame Puspakom for not doing a proper job
Puspakom will blame the bus company for hiring inexperience drivers that easily be bought
Bus company will blame JKR for not maintaining the roads with cracks and rocks

The list goes on until the Ministry of Transport who have to settle it without any applause
Whatever it is, all relevant authorities must address this problem even if the issue has cool off
That's the only way road deaths can be reduce if not halt
Instead of blaming each other, it would be better to work the problem together till it stops

Our condolence goes out to the victim's family members who perished on the spot
May they will be strong during this period of sobbed
Ministry of Transport must work this problem fast to release the deadlock
Before another accident happens that put them in a situation that are odd

Sources:  The Star (December 22, 2010)

17 December, 2010

Selangor Government are trying their best

Before the previous general election, PR coalition promised the people free water
When they became the government, they kept their promise which they made earlier
We cannot deny that when we can see the water bill visible and clear
At least that is the first step they are trying to make the people's life better

Then came along Syabas being a jerk altogether
Trying to raise the water bill further
People wonder what's the stories behind this perpetrator
Who are trying to make the people suffer

Water is free by nature
People are charge because of the cost of processing however
Nevertheless, its understood all over the world that the charge must be very reasonable
As human needs water to be alive, at least that's basic factor must be consider

In some countries, water were paid for by the government or ruler
Some states in the US, its a violation if one does not even offer water to street passer
A simple rule that even a kindergarten kid would understand about this principle
Its sad that some people/companies were monopolizing this to make them richer

Syabas has never mention about raise of water prices during the previous tenure
Now only they talk about the increase by quoting cost factors
Raising by over 30% does not justified even if we take inflation into the counter
What Syabas did is almost like a daylight robbery except its "legal"

Water companies must not be monopolize as it will become the "people's killer"
If they monopolized, then strict rules must be implement and properly monitor
Syabas is one inconsiderate water supplier
They will cut the water supply if no payment receive in 2 months regardless of rich or poor

Sources:  Selangor State Government

14 December, 2010

Freedom of speech comes with RESPONSIBILITY!!!

Wikileak has exposed some horror stories
About a Southeast Asia country's leaders
Who made some unpleasant remarks on 4 other nations whom were not even enemies
Meanwhile the leaders of this country are already losing supports from their voters

Making unpleasant remarks reflects bad leadership quality
School teachers has often taught us not to talk bad on others
Religious leaders emphasized it time and again that such behavior reflects bad personality
Yet these leaders were still adhering to such poor behavior

Freedom of speech comes with RESPONSIBILITY
Established leaders should not have such misdemeanor
As they are suppose to be adhere to the principle of diplomacy
Its sad that during this day and age, we still have such unsound ministers

Firing salvo without thinking can trigger uncertainty
A leader should use his brain before opening his mouth or he will cause serious angers
It will make a person look like world class idiot after saying it wrongly and say "sorry"
Hence, every single remark should be carefully consider

The leaders of this nation often claim to be successful with their progressive economy
If they continue with such mentality, they are no different than nation of "backwaters"
Talking so big and so much about democracy and equality
While behaving like thugs and dictator

They should go back to their society
And spend sometime offering their people a "good listening ear"
Let other nation solves their problems with their methods and creativity
Learn to talk less and more people shall respect them with honor

Sources:  NST & The Star (December 13, 2010)

07 December, 2010

Happy retirement Datuk Seri Samy Wellu!!!

When the news first breaks, many Malaysians thought that medias were just playing games
As Malaysians has heard of this piece of news, time and again
Datuk Seri Samy Wellu decided to quit after he found a successor who is "well trained"
As he often says, he got problem finding a successor as many members were lame

Since this time is for real, MIC is going to miss all that super action by this change
Being an MIC President for 3 decades, he made MIC as superior as Mc Donald's chain
As he often says, MIC is relevant to Indian community as Indians enjoyed economic gains
MIC members must feel really sad to see the departure of such a "great saint"

Malaysians will also miss Datuk Seri very much as he always kept us entertained
Opposition has less questions in Parliament as less projects are flush into drain
UEM workers and management can live their lives with much less of pain
As they will no longer be constantly blame

The poor folks in Sg Siput will no longer receive all the contributions of rice and grains
As Datuk Seri loves his people that he will give so much for charities without complaint
Perhaps its time Perak Government to rename a street in Sg Siput under Datuk Seri's name
Just like how Penang Government honor Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu for his outstanding fame

Datuk Seri has become part of Malaysian history with all his "demeanor brains"
He gave the idea of lifting a car off Penang bridge with helicopter from emergency lanes
Never mind about the cost as traffic jams will drives everyone insane
The brainchild idea of lifting car with helicopter was very extraordinary and not the same

Now that he is gone for good, Malaysians will cry like rain
May he will enjoy his vacation with his family and friends on a private plane
At least that will give him a "peace of mind" without vain
May he has a peaceful retirement, unlike others retired minister who have much to "explain"

Sources:  The Star (December 7, 2010)

05 December, 2010

The rise of RON 95 and the effect

On December 4, 2010, the price of RON 95 has increased
It came without any warning and Malaysians were caught by surprise by this hit
In fact, many people came to know about it via friend's tweets
Thanks to technology, this news came to Malaysians without miss

An opposition MP even said that there were no discussion in Parliament over this
In fact, the move was done very quietly without much leak
This matter has major impact for the public
Hence the government should not keep this piece of information under "discreet"

The government said in the past that RON 97 will not be subsidize even a bit
Many Malaysian hailed this idea that seem to be fit
If the government wants to raise the price, then raise RON 97 that won't trigger the heat
At least, Malaysians will not be burden by this increase that comes in too quick

Now, everything will become expensive
Trucking charges will increase as truckers needs to keep their business profit
Once trucking charges are up, the domino effects will tag with
Inflation will accelerate at a higher rate and soon people will suffer from it

Rumors has it that there will be another increase before Chinese New Year reach
If this happens, people will be very pissed
Lets hope PM Najib Razak will listen to the people's wish
Otherwise, the coming General Election will not be ease

02 December, 2010

Malaysians are given a chance, lets make the best out of it

Datuk Seri Hishammudin Tun Hussien has been considerate and kind
By giving out discount on traffic citations although many says he is out of his mind
Datuk Seri Home Minister understands the hardship many Malaysians face during this time
That is why he is nice enough to give Malaysians another chance to pay a cheaper fine

Giving discount does not mean he is dumb or blind
He could easily play by the rule and drag all the offenders to queue on line
If they refuse to pay, they will be throw in jail just like those who commit other crimes
By then, Malaysians will probably say that he is the monster at his prime

Malaysians should treasure this opportunity given as in other country is probably hard to find
We should take this chance as lesson and put our bad driving habit behind
That's the only way our driving reputation can shine
That's the only way our accident rate will stop to climb

Sources:  The Star (December 2, 2010)

01 December, 2010

What comes around, GOES AROUND!!!

What has gone wrong to our society?
Why are people so stingy in donating to charity despite making good money?
How would chipping a small percentage of what they earned will ruin them financially?
When would they ever realize that being rich may not last permanently?

It seems like many of the younger affluent society are becoming selfish and greedy
They give plenty of excuses that comes in handy
Such as fake NGOs who are out to rip them by using their fake ID
Yet, their stand remains despite NGOs proven beyond reasonable doubt on the validity

They have all the money to spend on condos and Semi-Ds
They have all the money to spend on convertibles and SUVs
They have all the money to spend on Rolex and LVs
Yet, they have no money to give for those who are suffering so severely

There are 2 different forms of charities
Donating money or sparing time for activities
Those who are not doing well financially will usually help out in the form of "energy"
Yet, most of these people who help out in the form of "energy" did it so wilingly

Money CHANGED people generally
That's a fact that CANNOT BE DISPUTE as it happens so frequently
These "up and coming" society thinks they are ALMIGHTY
That they can be RICH FOREVER if they continue to be stingy

"What comes around goes around" as we often hear from many
Lets hope more (especially younger affluent society) will realize not everyone are lucky
They may not suffer financially but what if they are diagnose with illness such as bad kidney
They will be begging hard to God and everybody

Doing some charity to society will make a person happy
All these good deeds will be taken into account by God eventually
Judgement day will come, by then it will be too late for a change of "mentality"
After all, every single religion adhere to generosity

28 November, 2010

Tribute to Tun Dato Utama Dr Lim Chong Eu

A gentleman who was down to earth and humble
A gentleman who cares so much for his people
A gentleman who take business in deep manner
A gentleman who displayed leadership by example

This gentleman was Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu who is no longer here
He was a great leader who made the best for Penang as we often hear
Indeed a fact that he made Penang what it is today with all his sweat and tears
Despite all the challenges that comes and caused serious fears

He made Penang rich by bringing in serious investors
He made Penang popular through tourism by cleaning beaches and bringing hoteliers
He made the people's life convenient by building a long bridge for commuters
He made the symbol and pride of Penang by building Komtar Tower

Despite all the wonderful things he has done, yet he said "I m just a worker"
How Malaysians would wish to have more leaders like this who was responsible
Malaysians may not find such a leader in our near future
As such, we hope our present leaders can learn from this "late master"

We would like to thank CM Lim Guan Eng for giving Tun Dr Lim a great honor
By naming an expressway after this wonderful "father"
As a way for Tun Dr Lim to be remember
For all the superb magics he has done for Penang over these years

We can talk about what Tun Dr Lim has done but it will only remain "talk" among peers
We need to continue his fight so that all his hardwork will not ended up as toilet paper
May we strive harder and make him proud that his countrymen are top achievers
May God bless his soul for all the wonderful things he has done to make people's life better

Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu, rest in peace SIR!!!

24 November, 2010

Parliament House leak again??? WHAT AN EMBARRASSMENT!!!

Once again, another national embarrassment
That there was another leak in the Parliament
This time Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz said the building is old and has "old" system
Whereby it was not suppose to be aircond, hence they need to make adjustments

Subsequently he "refer" this problem to PWD (Public Works Department)
He would expect them to make a statement
We can probably expect PWD to say the downpour was way beyond imagination
That no amount of engineering and maintenance can prevent this situation

The Empire Building of New York was built during the time of Great Depression
That building still standing today without the Mayor saying that the building has problems
Since 9/11, the building has become the symbol and pride of Americans
Mind you, they are also constantly expose to severe weather conditions

Coming back to Kuala Lumpur, our parliament building was build after independence
It was hardly 50 years since the building was officially open
Now we have complaints after complaints on a regular basis about this monument
Lets hope Datuk Seri Minister will work this equation

Its time to do away with finger pointing as it's not part of the solution
By blaming others, it will only make himself look bad as if he is a hopeless person
Blaming others will also make them upset and he will get less cooperation
Its time to put our national symbol and pride back into action

Sources:  The Star (November 24, 2010)

22 November, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

The last Thursday of November will be here shortly
Its time to do some groceries
The most important is to get a fresh turkey
As that is the most important menu for this party

We can make some chicken casserole to add into the variety
Not to mention the great stuffing that is delicious and tasty
Of course, who can forgot mashed potato with gravy
Or baked potato with bacon and sour cream as part of the culinary

The meal does not end without pumpkin pie as it is also consider part of the specialty
Thanksgiving is a time to be with family
The time where we invite our neighbors and buddies
To enhance ties that keeps our solidarity

A time to start planning for a new journey
A time to start looking for opportunity
A time to forget our past misery
A time to lay our foundations to the road of glory

17 November, 2010

FIREARMS, to use or not to use???

The recent fatal shootings of a kid in Shah Alam, PDRM has been blamed for negligence
The Police has said that it's for self defense during their course of actions
However, not too many people buy that reason
Meanwhile many people has make a big issue against the Police especially some politicians

We must also understand that some criminal suspects are very hard to apprehend
They are good in running and hiding so much so it complicates the Police's mission
Hence, the Police will try to bring them in when they face them during confrontations
Of course, the fatal shooting will remain as the big question

We are not living in the era of Bonnie & Clyde during the period of Great Depression
Where criminals and Police used Tommy Machine Guns to confront in the style of execution
In the modern society, every single bullet that deploy from the barrel requires explanations
Looks like the Police has to explain way beyond reasonable doubt over this incident

To ask the Police not to carry firearm is unfair as they are expose to threats like terrorism
Yet, we do not condone this "Trigger Happy" intimidations
So, where do we strike the balance?
Perhaps firearm manufacturer can come out with a better solution

The barrel of firearm can be equip with a camera lens as a recording mechanism
Once the firearm is grip, the recording will automatically begins with voice system
The recording will go straight to the Police Department
That way, no Police officer can do any manipulations

The Police department can have both visual and conversations
This technology is possible as the Israelist (if correct) has already developed such weapon
The weapon can fire from a 90 degree angle with lens and monitor for observation
This will eliminate all the questions and arguments

In retrospect, this move will take sometime before it ever happen
As the cost of purchasing such weapon can be quite a burden
Especially when our Prime Minister is trying to bring deficit into reduction
Such weapon will eat up the budget of government

Meanwhile, the Police must use firearm with serious caution
Any officer who has pull out the gun (even if they don't shoot) will be subject to interrogations
As firearm must not fall into the hands of those who are highly emotion
Otherwise, the Police will develop a "trigger happy" reputation

Sources:  The Star

14 November, 2010

PKR is trying hard despite challenges

Many parties in Malaysia adhere to the voting system via delegates
When it comes to selecting the top party leadership's place
The system stated that 1 delegate will represent X number of members as their head
That 1 delegate may not vote according to the desire of member's mandate

Hence such system in the eyes of modern democracy is consider outdate
PKR practices the policy of 1 member, 1 vote to decide on the leadership's fate
Such system would be much accurate
In determining the most qualified leaders to run a party or even a nation at a better rate

The 1 member, 1 vote will limit the practice of corruption into slower pace
As its a lot harder for every single members to be "purchase"
It will make Malaysia's reputation to improve and foreigners will have more faith
In addition, it will also make Malaysia looks great

No doubt, PKR has encounter a number of problems as of late
Perhaps some people want to rush to the top without much wait
They have been so used to the old way and waiting is something they hate
Due to dissatisfaction, they walked away and criticize that PKR's democracy is fake

Whether is real or fake, we need to asked those members who have voted instead
They will be able to tell you if they were given a chance to vote or has been played
Some people said that everything looks good on paper just like a beautiful cake
However, the cake has lousy taste

At least PKR is trying very hard to improve their skills for a nice bake
Eventhough the problems are putting the party at stake
In order to solve this equation, it requires patience as more time will be take
Lets hope such democracy will not fade

12 November, 2010

Patriotism comes in many form

Malaysia Defense Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has cooked up a storm
Citing lack of patriotism as the reason why Non Malays did not join the military is wrong
The Defense Minister must understand that patriotism comes in many form
As we can see from the day this nation gained her independence that has been far so long

We have a Non Malay badminton player that crushed our rivals until they mourn
We have a Non Malay squash player that has been riding high and still moving on
We have 2 Non Malay Mt Everest climbers with the strength of King Kong
We have a Non Malay famous actress that acted with James Bond

We have a Non Malay famous shoe designer who now have became a global icon
We have many Non Malay professionals working abroad but they are never long gone
These are the people who stick their heads up so that Malaysia can be strong
These are the same people who were Malaysian born

Reason to this problem is probably a paycheck that cannot even get them a Dom Perignon
Perhaps its time for Defense Ministry to offer better paycheck for those who can perform
Of course, annual bonuses can also come along
This will make them feel appreciated that military is where they belong

If you ask a Non Malay abroad, they will say Malaysia is where they are from
They will still go on line to read The Star, NST and etc even if they are in Hong Kong
They love Malaysia even if they disagree with some government policies or beyond
Their patriotism has proven to be nice and warm

Sources:  The Star (November 10, 2010 - November 12, 2010)

09 November, 2010

Ban on plastic bags in Penang

Penang state government has announced the ban of plastic bags
Effective next year so that the environment can be protect
This move is going towards the development track
In order to reduce the amount of trash

This move will make some people really sad
Plastic manufacturer's business will be badly crash
More so when the economy in general is already bad
What are they going to do with all the resin that sat on their racks?

Meanwhile, many people has already question this and that
Some question the government about "alternative bags" that can be use to pack
Some ladies even question on how their "monthly blues" can be wrap
Others wonder whether its necessary for this ruling to be set

Every decision will always has an impact
Perhaps inconvenience would be the one that got many people upset
They must understand that "An Inconvenient Truth" would be even hard to accept
Hence this move is positive in retrospect

Sources:  The Star (November 8, 2010)

07 November, 2010

Some people are naturally born to be THICK SKIN!!!

This is by far the most "entertaining news" in the whole decade, may be even century
Tun Lim Keng Yaik advised Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon to step down graciously
Citing that Tan Sri Koh should not overstayed his welcome as president of the party
That statement by Tun Lim is almost like Deja Vu to the vast majority

Perhaps Tun Lim is getting too old and has breakdown in memory
As he was the longest serving president in the Gerakan history
Who was reluctant to step down despite numerous challenges during his presidency
And despite the fact that his approval rating has deteriorated so drastically

Tan Sri Koh was indeed very unlucky
He took over as Gerakan president just slightly before the political tsunami
He was not even given enough time to perform his duty
More so, with such challenging political scenario that kept hitting him under the belly

Tun Lim must understand the challenges Tan Sri Koh faced in reality
Leave this man alone and stop complaining like some of the old ladies
After all, complaining makes him look so much like a sore loser and sissy
If he still have the guts, he should stand against PAS, PKR or DAP

Tun Lim must learn how to be a gentleman with the right integrity
He has already quit as an advisor so he should just stop making comments completely
He should not hit hard on his own party comrades publicly
After all, all these years Tan Sri Koh has proved his loyalty

Tun Lim should go home and spend time with his family
Family members are our greatest buddies
They will always makes us happy
Lets hope Tun Lim will enjoy his life to the fullest quality

Sources:  The Star (November 7, 2010)

05 November, 2010

The DE FACTO reasons behind the defeat of Galas & Batu Sapi

The verdicts are out and BN won both Batu Sapi and Galas
It was rather hard to believe that Galas could not be maintain by PAS
Batu Sapi was different as there were 3 corner fight which made it tough
Whatever it is, its time to study and discuss

PR won the General Election in 2008 with a total blast
The results yesterday were consider a total bust
PR must get herself together fast
Otherwise, comes the next General Election it will all vaporized like dust

Lets analyze the reasons behind this defeat as a start
On how the voters perception on PR has changed from bright to dark
For a start, PR is still harping on things BN done in the past
People has know about the past, that's why they decided to plant a set of new grass

No doubt, the downfall of Perak State Assembly were done in the manner of unjust
However, all the unending protest and shouting makes PR look like "low class"
PR make so many Ceramah all over and now people take it as another fart
As talking too much will make someone's charisma and reputation rust

When PR won, they will say that they won the people's heart
When PR lost, they will say it was one sided government agencies that took part
In addition to BN sending cash and goodies by the truck
Making such statements will make any given sane voters a total laugh

These 2 lessons are consider "cheap" in view that it is only a minor cut
Some of PR members were literally behaving like thugs
Its time for PR to get out of the mud
And starting to build a strong coalition crust

The survival of PR is a must
Because 2 party system will help Malaysia improve with a plus
PR must work instead of talk like having tea session in the club
In order to gain the people's trust

A good strategist point their plans like aiming with a dart
Its not impossible to achieve although it may be hard
For as long as we have the patients and strong guts
Victory await those who understand the feelings of vast

03 November, 2010

Can this happen in Malaysia??? Is it possible???

In 2006, Democrats took over the house due to unpopular war that got many killed
The idea is to put a moment of pause to Mr. Bush who does not listen to the hue
As the unpopular war in the Middle East still continues
It made Americans more angry and Mr. Obama won the presidency with much thrill

It was just hardly 2 years since Mr. Obama took over White House with goodwill
Some changes has been made but it does not favor the majority's will
Today, the GOP has taken over Capitol Hill
They won with a substantial majority like Saudi's oilfield

Coming back to Malaysian politics that we are about to view
PR won substantially in 2008 which was something new
Time and again, we should ask ourselves why does Malaysians took that cue
Was it because they were angry with BN or was it because they want a better deal?

If they want a better deal, have PR deliver their promises which are due?
If they are angry with BN, then PR better be more worry if voters continue to stay mute
As their votes can swing back to BN anytime just like what Americans did with a big blew
PR must continue to work hard and continue to build

Getting carried away with one time victory is downright stupid without clues
PR is not stable and does not seem to have a proper shield
Its time for PR to learn from Democrats before PR is being drilled
Otherwise PR can share the same fate like Democrat candidates who were badly grilled

02 November, 2010

Many people envy the American democracy

It's Super Tuesday once again, Americans will vote all over the country
US is probably one of the few countries in the world with leverage democracy
Once in every 2 years, Americans get to choose their favorite leaders or party
American democracy system really makes many people feel envy

The party who wins today will take control of Capitol Hill to make policies
Americans will choose their leaders be it from Democrats or GOP
Its also to check on which party still has the relevancy
Whether or not people still love Nancy Pelosi

US has a 2 term limit for the American presidency
It's to make sure that everyone gets the opportunity
Not control by a single family
To build their dynasty in the expense of everybody

American elections has good transparency
The day of both Mid Term and Presidential election has been fixed permanently
It will be on the first Tuesday of November to make people remember much easily
Nobody can manipulate the election date by waiting for "feel good economy"

Going to vote is an honorable duty
Even if we have to line up under severe weather be it cold or stormy
During campaigning, both parties will throw tons of promises and goodies
As both parties are hard up for popularity

Americans are very lucky
At least that's what many of us can see
A country with no place for tyranny
A country with no place for anarchy

01 November, 2010

Get well soon, Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu

Penang became "Silicone Valley" because he took the cue
Penang managed to have one of the longest bridge because of his courage to build
Penang gained thousands of jobs because he got all the foreign investors sealed
Penang enjoyed great progress because he always believe with something new

This extraordinary man is no other than Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu
Who worked all his life to make Penang's reputation brew
Lately he has been hit with a severe stroke which is more serious than flu
The hospital has given him the utmost attention for his health to be improve

A good man like him should live longer to assist people who are feeling blue
As he has the wisdom and able to give us plenty of clues
Lets pray that he will get himself out of ICU
May he will be feeling better as he should

30 October, 2010

3 Day Visit to Singapore cost MYR 16,446!!!

It must be really nice to be a Malaysian Minister
In view of the allocation given that will entitles a person to be a great spender
Datuk Seri Ng Yen Yen must be very delighted to have such privilage granted here
After all, why would she even be bother?

MYR 16,446 would be an annual salary of an average income earner
But this amount has been spent in just 3 days for "working visit" to Singapore without fear
Once again, this money comes from tax payer
Of course, Datuk Seri Ng will claimed that living standards in Singapore is much greater

Lets analyze the cost structure
A return airfare will cost MYR 400 per person even if we book a day earlier
A decent hotel in Singapore cost MYR 345 per night even without offer
An executive limo cost MYR 1,150 per day together with the chauffeur

Consider MYR 1,000 allocated per day for expenditure
With the presence of 1 secretary and 1 security manager
Lets evaluate the cost to get a clearer picture
Return airfare for 3 persons (MYR 1,200) altogether

Hotel for 3 rooms @ 2 nights (MYR 2,070) as required
Executive limo for 3 days (MYR 3,450) to travel
Spending cash for 3 days (MYR 3,000) to cover
The total cost less than MYR 10,000 and the figure of MYR 16,446 is unbelievable

Datuk Seri Ng will claim she does 1st class or 5 stars as she is a high ranking officer
No doubt about it but Mr Lim Guan Eng fly on economy class and his rank is similar
Leaders must understand that those are hard earned money of the people
Working trip means WORKING TRIP, not leisure or pleasure

What is so wrong about flying on budget carriers?
What is so wrong about putting up with 3 Star instead of Raffles?
What is so wrong about having a meal in the hawker center?
What is so wrong about calling a taxi as long as its comfortable?

Respect comes when you know how to protect the people's treasure
Respect comes when you start telling the truth and not thinking the people as jokers
Respect comes when you stand up for what is right or wrong, not fear and favor
Respect comes when you keep the promises you made to your voters

Sources:  New Straits Times (October 30, 2010)

29 October, 2010

Condolence to Indonesia

First, a 7.7 Ritcher scale earthquake in Mentawai Islands that triggered a Tsunami
Then, a volcano eruption out of Gunung Merapi
Its literally a double jeopardy
Causing grievous pain for those who have been through this catastrophe

Folks in Sumatra Island may need help urgently
As the Indonesian government alone may not be able to provide aid sufficiently
More help would probably require especially from the neighboring countries
To alleviate the pain and sorrows to those who had suffered severely

Many NGOs has been discussing on logistic and delivery
NGO like Red Cross has highly experience staffs in discharging their duties
They know what are the priorities
As food and medical supplies are needed immediately

Its about time nations around the world do some environmental studies
Whether these problems are caused by global warming activities
Meetings and forums without actions are waste of time and money
Get to the root of the problem so that we can avoid the next atrocities

May the victims stay strong during this trying times on losing members of family
May the people around the world help out through donation and charities
May the government of Indonesia act to solve this problem quickly
May God bless the departed soul with mercy

Sources:  The Star (October 29, 2010)

27 October, 2010

Tribute to Paul the Octopus

It happened so fast that none of us predicted about it
It came with a total shocked to many of us who were awaken by your dismissed
As if it was just yesterday when we were watching the World Cup with bets and bids
When you were the most important figure in this world more than just an ordinary squid

You were the icon of all psychics
Especially when you always have the right pick
Not even once did you miss
Which is why Coach Maradona of Argentina was so pissed

Many of us were hoping to get more advise and predicts
Its sad that you will no longer be doing this
As you are now been called upon by the Almighty God to leave
Looks like we can never get another accurate tip

Some people says "Super Power" will not last till eternal bliss
Much as we hate to agree, but now we have to believe
That you will never be around in the time of need
Chances are we will never find another Paul the Octopus even in ocean deep

We really do not know how to thank you indeed
For all the great tips that you have give
We will never forget all the wonderful moment while you live
Now that you are gone, may you rest in peace

25 October, 2010

Agriculture will reduce CO2, inflation and world hunger

Prior to the industry revolution
The world survived through mostly agriculture production
Back then, weather were much predictable which gave the soil better foundation
As a result, the yield of harvest gave much satisfaction

The yield of harvest were sufficient for the population
Back then, the world population were much easier to govern
Not to mention the global economy were managed with less complication
Hence, the supplies of food were hardly affected by inflation

Today, the world has changed so dramatic that many of us has lost our sense of direction
We want to get rich quick without thinking of the problems
We hardly care for what will happen to our planet in view of the growing devastation
Let alone with world hunger whom many of us view as "unfortunate situation"

Agriculture can bring CO2, inflation and world hunger into reduction
UN will have to initiate this movement, as in REAL MOVEMENT, not just forum
If 80% of UN members can come to a consensus and cooperation
It will be the beginning with a series of good solutions

When we develop cultivation
We are encouraging plantation
Planting trees (any form) will ultimately reduce carbon emission
When carbon emission are reduce, it will improve our weather systems

Weather system will determine the number of harvest in a given duration
If the productivity of agriculture increases, it will ultimately reduce price acceleration
Bringing greater supply of food and giving the poor a chance of "enjoyment"
Many of us has forgotten agriculture, yet its the most important

22 October, 2010

NOT AGAIN Indonesia!!!

Here we go again, haze is back in town for a "visit"
Just like an old buddy sending a "Christmas gift"
Except it comes without anyone notice
Causing temperatures to rise and discharge heat

The haze originated from Indonesia has cross the Straits of Malacca with hard hit
Causing many people in Malaysia to feel sick
Makes old people and children to feel like vomit
Jamming up hospitals with a long list

This episode has not stop its repeats
All the meetings and forums held each time has becoming like sound of music
Promises and pledges were made but nothing has been done to solve it
In the end, Indonesian government said Malaysian companies were the culprit

If that's the case, then stern action must be taken to bring these companies to justice
If they have violated the law, then revoke their business license and permits
Indonesia government must understand this
That nobody is ever going to be please

Carbon emission must be brought down or better still get rid
Time is running out as clock continues to ticks
The agenda in meetings and forums must be implement quick
Otherwise more problems will continue and soon we will run out of exits

21 October, 2010

Straight or "stray," keep your identification away

Lately, there has been on going issues in the US Military about open gays
While President Obama is trying to "get rid" of the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy today
Somehow this may not go down well with many Americans who does not feel this way
As most Americans are yet to accept gays in the military base

Sexual orientation are personal matters and ought to remain in the confidential tray
People don't have to tell everyone that they are straight
Nor they don't have to tell everyone that they are "stray"
They should keep their identification away

Military base are highly restricted place
It regards to national defense with loyalty faith
Its no place for people to joke or play
Hence, total discipline are require without the second say

"Don't ask, don't tell" policy should stay
Private matters should not be put to display
Sexual preference should be kept in bay
As every military personnel must always feel comfortable with their work everyday

19 October, 2010

Warisan Merdeka Tower??? What a BAD IDEA!!!

A proposal has been made to build Warisan Merdeka Tower
It will be a 100 storey skyscraper located in city center
An estimation of M$ 5 Billion be spent to materialize this honor
Without taking into consideration of possible inflation that may rises further

M$ 5 Billion is an enormous sum of money that we may need to seriously consider
Our economy may be resilient but global threats that may affect our economy are all over
This sum of such magnitude can be use to improve health care and education for the better
It can also be use to improve our public securities and infrastructure

Not that we have forgotten our Merdeka spirit altogether
However we should use our resources for bread and butter
We can always build this tower in another 10 years
When we have sufficient reserve that we don't have to worry about the next hour

For now, the government must understand the nation's priority before situation turn sour
Spending money without possessing it is just like playing with fire
Lets hope our PM will not give in just to oblige some moron past leaders
PM must understand that our nation will be at stake if M$ 5 Billion turns into vapor

This is M$ 5 Billion of HARD EARNED MONEY from tax payers
Where these monies are suppose to help the hardcore poor
Not to enrich a handful of developers and contractors
Hence, building Warisan Merdeka Tower is surely a bad idea

Sources:  The Star (October 16, 2010)

18 October, 2010

A good move by PM Najib Tun Razak

The budget 2011 has finally seen
Many new plans have cropped up like beans
Some has received applause from the public as a win
Others continue to received poor feedback that were mean

There are obviously pros and cons in everything
One thing that catches the eye would be tax exemption for vehicles with hybrid engineering
As this is one of the effort that he has taken on going green
A move which many of us view as "the right link"

Not only it would help the people from paying
It will also help the environment to be clean
As going green would mean the amount of carbon emission dropping
The air that flows would be good for breathing

This move certainly deserve praising
For once, he really knows how to think
Lets hope that this good plan will not sink
Lets hope that this good plan will pass through in Parliament without anyone opposing

"Going green will keeps us clean, being clean will makes us think"

16 October, 2010

Chile's miners rescued (An inspiring story)

Throughout history, mankind has proven themselves to be problem solver
As hard as it may seem, it can be done if one did not say "It's over"
Apollo 13 almost lost in space but returned to earth due to the strong hope of Jim Lovell
While Gene Kranz was fighting really hard in Mission Control Center

Another miracle incident was Uruguayan Flight 571 that killed almost all its passengers
It was feature in the story of "The Andes Survivor"
On how 16 survivors kept alive through cannibalism and turning snow into water
For months they had to stick their heads up under severed weather

Same goes to the stories of 33 Chilean miners
Who were trap over 2000ft under
They managed to survived for months with poor ventilator
Literally living in the dark with insufficient food and power

Despite living in the "dark and concrete" jungle
They kept their hopes high with prayers
They were united and work their problems together
They never gave up despite feeling being trap "forever"

The comments people made about this incident were unbelievable
Some were very motivational
Others were downright terrible
At least the Chilean government did not give up their own people

Many said rescue effort was tough as it was almost invisible
Some even said about preparing for the miner's funeral
Others said that was possible
What we can see today was a TOTAL MIRACLE!!!

Problems in life are inevitable
It really depends on how each person handle
Most importantly is to stay focus and avoid extra troubles
Those who stay focus, stay strong and believe long enough will be invincible

"Those who can see the invisible can do the impossible"

14 October, 2010

Kelantan palace revoke Ibrahim Ali's Datukship

Datukship is a highly distinguish honor granted to individuals for their great deeds
Especially for those who have contributed to the society with wonderful bliss
The recipient must maintain a healthy record at all time without miss
Otherwise, their honor will be strip

Datuk Ibrahim Ali has just lost his State of Kelantan Datukship
Perhaps of all the things he has done over the past 2 years in politics
He even has the guts to question on why he was remove from the list
Obviously he did not use his brain to think, ears to listen and eyes to see

This man is exceptionally "thick skin" just like asking something for free
He even came out openly to claim that he is still a "Datuk" legally
As both of his Datukship from State of Selangor and Malacca are yet to freeze
Perhaps both the Selangor Sultan and Malacca Governor should consider doing it

After all, its high time that Datukship must be limit for those who are distinguished
Or people who have serve the society and proven their ability to lead
Datukship must not be available "For Sale" like any other commodities
Certainly NOT FOR MONKEYS who just climb on the seat and started the heat

Sources:  The Star (October 14, 2010)

13 October, 2010

Datuk Ibrahim Ali has DID IT AGAIN!!!

A minute of silence was observed for the passing of Datuk Edmund Chong of Batu Sapi
It's a sign of respect for the deceased who have served the country
Any SANE normal human being will adhere to this request immediately
In view that it's the last time to honor a person who has left for eternity

Datuk Ibrahim Ali as sick and miserable as he can be
Does not adhere to this policy
He continue to chat on his cell phone as if he does not hear or see
His misdemeanor has anger some of the legislator from different parties

We may wonder how a man like Datuk Ibrahim Ali can become an MP
In view of such sickening behavior that he possessed so profoundly
Behaving like thugs and yet never repent for his mistake he caused so grievously
An MP who is shameless and disgrace to his own community

The General Election is closing in eminently
Its about time that voters to vote him out permanently
For this creature will ruin our nation's harmony
That's the last thing we need from this idiotic monkey

Sources:  The Star (October 12, 2010)

09 October, 2010

Polar Bears & Climate Change

Up in the Artic, that's the home of Polar Bears
Like any Mammals, they learn to share
Cubs are the ones that mother bear will care
Huge in size and covered with thick fur that makes them extremely fair

Polar Bears lives mostly in Canada as huge ice caps are there
They are extremely strong and can swim just about everywhere
Because they are fair, hence their visibility are almost rare
Making their presence unpredictable when we comes in contact

Polar Bears are predators that would not be intimidated or scared
With their look that's extremely glare
They kept themselves busy and always prepare
To ensure every opportunity are being grab

Polar Bears love quiet environment with clean air
They can be very entertaining to their guest
Especially when they play in pairs
And that's how they manage to attracts

Climate started to change and lately has turned really bad
That's making Polar Bears upset
With ice caps experiencing wear and tear
The places for Polar Bears to live are getting less

The problem of global warming must be address
Not only the G8 but every nation that contributed to this mess
Its time we treat mother nature with respect
Or we may not survive the next catastrophe test

"Mother nature can meet our needs, NOT OUR GREEDS"

07 October, 2010

Special Poem by Bill Gates (Founder of Microsoft Corp)

Dear Readers,

A friend of mine sent me this special poem writen by Bill Gates (Founder of Microsoft Corp) which I find it interesting and beneficial to many of us.  Hence, I would like to share this piece of advise with you.  Please take note that NOTHING HAS BEEN AMENDED and everything is DIRECTLY copied as per what Mr Gates has wrote.

Folks, enjoy yourself!!!


Subject:  Tension.....and the explanation...very very nice

The moment you are in Tension
You will lose your Attention
Then you are in total Confusion
And you will feel Irritation
Then you will spoil personal Relation
Ultimately, you won't get Co-Operation
Then you will make things Complication
Then your blood pressure may raise Caution
And you may have to take Medication

Instead, understand the Situation
And try to think about the Solution
Many problems will be solved by Discussion
This will work out better in your Profession
Don't think it's my free Suggestion
It's only for your Prevention
If you understand my Intention
You will never again to Tension

                                - Bill Gates

05 October, 2010

Vote for Competency, NOT party!!!

Galas state seat will be up for grasp inevitability
As by election will be held to adhere democracy
By election is a "barometer" to evaluate each party's relevancy
After all, it has been months since the Sibu's "testimony"

In the 12th Malaysian General Election, people voted emotionally
Many of them has voted for party
Regardless if they are Albert Eisteen or pet monkey
It was a revolution, literally

Since then, many Malaysians has seen the true color of their MPs
Especially when Parliament sessions were aired in radio and TV
Malaysians can see their MPs attendance and debating ability
Some were happy while others were disgusted completely

Some defected and being alleged for getting paid with hefty sum of money
Some have been making gender remarks to insult women publicly
Some have been trying to incite racial hatred in our society
Some may have even resort to profanities

Some have been shouting and screaming like babies
Some were still talking about the past history
Some have no ideas about running the country
Some were still mourning over the Perak State Assembly

Both ruling and opposition parties have their fair share of problems in reality
Both must understand that people wants reliable leaders to serve the community
People wants a leader who listens and acts as servant to everybody
People DO NOT WANT leaders who wish to be treated like VIP (now even got VVIP)

Society must vote for candidate with competency
Only those with competency can solve people's problem amicably
Those who have been elected must constantly visit their constituency
Not just attending functions to obtain more publicities

Leaders must understand the concept of global economy
Leaders must formulate ideas on how to improve education quality
Leaders must be able to foresee the threats to national security
Leaders must be able to handle climate change and possible catastrophe


28 September, 2010

PKR (Parti Keadilan Rakyat) Party Elections

PKR members must stop all these fights
Its embarrasing to see such a sight
Its only just a division contest that might increase the chances for a better plight
However it does not guarantee a person's political future to be bright

These fights has caught the entire nation by surprise
Members who were about to cast their votes has ran away in view of such site
It will hurt the party that is struggling to survive
The party image will be affected with the blink of an eye

The party leaders has work really hard to climb this high
Such commotion will dampen all the efforts that has so long been strive
Once the party falls, then many people will cry
By then it will be too late to make it right

The fight in PKR has helped the media sales shoot off like a rocket to the sky
TV Stations were too happy to repeat the horror snippets day and night
PKR as a party will lose her pride
PKR's opponent will be way too happy to see her die

Sources:  Sinar (September 27, 2010)

26 September, 2010


Determination is the art of being strong
Strong determination will keep us in patient to fix the wrong
As understanding the wrong will help us improve before everything is gone
Such practice has been around for long

Many people has heard about this practice over and over again like a song
However not many can actually sustain this habit as a form
As determination requires serious efforts to keep as a norm
Otherwise it will all be torn

Some people said that determinations is in born
This is a myth like every bull must have a horn
Or the sun will surely shine in the dawn
These are the beliefs we should not condone

There were many great legends who has won
Using nothing but good attitude and passion that bonds
Providing strong commitment they have dearly sworn
Creating a pathway for success that will eventually prompt

Life is not always great as we were constantly warn
We must always be prepare for the heavy storms
Sometimes we lost in competing during a prom
Other times we lost something precious that we ended up mourn

Living in this world is like fish living in a pond
The water may not always warm
Nevertheless we have to play along
As determination will keep us going on and on

"A man is not finish when he is defeated, but he finished when he quit"
- Former United States President Richard M. Nixon

23 September, 2010

Indonesia wants Malaysia to ensure their maids are protected

This is surely not the first request coming from the Indonesian government
Indonesian government has been using the similar chip with similar pattern
In fact, its has happened so frequent and becoming rampant
So much so Malaysians are also getting tired with their nonsense

Indonesia wants Malaysia to grant their maids more "protection"
Indonesia wants Malaysia to grant their maids more freedom
Indonesia wants Malaysia to grant their maids better accommodation
Indonesia wants Malaysia to grant their maids better allowance

Indonesia wants Malaysian employer to deposit their paychecks directly as "assurance"
Indonesia wants Malaysian employer to give them a day off as "extra curriculum"
Indonesia wants Malaysian employer to allow them an annual vacation
Indonesia wants Malaysian employer to.....some more what....in addition???

How about give transfer them our properties title to their possession???
How about give them a platinum creditcard for them to fulfill their shopping excitement???
How about give them an I-Pod phone for their amusement???
How about give them our secret code to our vault as part of motivation???

Perhaps its high time for Indonesian government to ask themselves these questions
Can they provide higher quality maids for Malaysians???
Can their maids be more well behave while they are away in other nation???
More importantly, can Indonesian government give us an assurance in return???

Sources:  The Star

21 September, 2010

"Stay united to wrest back Selangor"

Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak plans to wrest back Selangor State
He plans to improve the state before it becomes "dead"
He cares so much about Selangor like pearl and jade
He is probably thinking about it all day long even before he goes to bed

Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak is concern with the progress Malaysia made
He even come out with super formula like KPI for all the department head
He spent so much of time running all over the country for the people's sake
He never complain even when criticism reach a severe stage

Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak is fantastically great
Not like Batman and Robin who were fake
Not like Beavers and Butthead who were misbehave
Not like Bonnie and Clyde who were outlaws in United States

Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak is trying to save Malaysia before its too late
Datuk Ibrahim Ali is sabotaging his effort instead
Datuk Ibrahim Ali is behaving like a clown and incite hate
Datuk Ibrahim Ali is making all his future fade

Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak must get rid of this snake
As long as he is around, nothing can ever change
As long as he is around, PM cannot project his image as a saint
As long as he is around, the BN will have a higher chance to be drain

Sources:  The Star (September 21, 2010)

19 September, 2010

The outcome of losing

Any given human being would prefer winning over losing
However, it can go either way without us realizing
We shall consider losing as part of learning
As we tend to learn more in losing than winning

Losing comes in different degree of suffering
Some people lose their title during sporting
Some people lose money while investing
Some people lose their spouses in the process of divorcing

Nevertheless losing is part and parcel of living
Nobody will be spare from all these even the king
As long as the suffering is still within our bearable means
We should be thankful that we have been given another chance of correcting

Not that losing is the greatest thing
But the outcome of losing will bring us back to the humble beginning
The beginning when we got nothing
Where we appreciate even a grain of red bean

The lesson of losing can be really mean
It's like being blown away by strong wind
Sometimes it can be downright demoralizing
That affects our ability to think

There are good losers and bad losers as we can often seen
A bad loser will walk out complaining
A good loser will never let that failure shatter his dream
He will formulate the best plan and go for the cream

17 September, 2010

The beauty of coffee

Coffee is the best "wake up call" in the morning to almost everybody
Keeps us awake and got us ready
Makes us cheerful so that we can be friendly
That would be our greatest buddy

The aroma from brewing will spread along the alley
It makes the entire house and office go crazy
We can add some sugar and cream to make it tasty
Take a sip and your world will change entirely

Coffee comes in many forms of quality
We have Malaysian local coffee which available in Kopitiam, Mamak or Warung Nasi
Then there are the Arabica that are highly concentrated just like good old whisky
While the South American version has been around for many centuries

Coffee is available in original and decaffeinated to accommodate all parties
Coffee are usually serve with other pastries
In Malaysia, its usually serve with half boil egg and toast bread for most local community
Whatever it is, the taste of coffee and other pastries makes the world happy

Coffee can also help to fight other sickness like Alzheimer and diabetes
As it's claimed by some medical experts about this discovery
Perhaps it's true if coffee is consume with reasonable quantity
Of course, too much of everything would put us in difficulty

Over the years, coffee has gained her popularity
Most truck or bus drivers will tell you that coffee is their best company
The distance they drive is long in journey
Coffee will keep them awake for everybody's safety

Coffee has also become the symbol of diplomacy
Across the world, coffee has make her way into every country
Be it in the aircraft or hotels, coffee has become the "celebrity"
We know that for a fact that it has works out positively

When we serve coffee, we will never go wrong GUARANTEE
Especially in Muslim countries where whisky is nobody
Young or old, ladies or gentleman will definitely gives her the priority
For the taste is so marvelous, it will always remain as a legacy

16 September, 2010

Malaysia Day (Unification Day)

It was on September 16, 1963 when both Sabah & Sarawak came to this formation
6 years from the day Peninsular Malaysia gained her independence
Since then, Malaysia has own 2 more states in the eastern region
Increasing the size of this nation

Both East and West Malaysia has come under one government
Giving Malaysia greater access to natural resources such as timber and petroleum
Helping the entire nation to achieve rapid development
Making the Malaysian economy become resilient

Malaysia has also enjoy the gained of population
As population is the catalyst of growth and progression
Both Sabah and Sarawak are consider the "best acquisition"
Its almost like a gift from heaven

Malaysia Day is a very special day for all Malaysians
Malaysia Day is the day of remembrance
Malaysia Day is the day of celebrations
Malaysia Day is the day of unification

15 September, 2010


Human beings has plenty of desires
Desire to have everything by climbing higher
With all the things in life they have already acquired
Yet their desire can never be satisfy forever

All these problems started with greed and being unreasonable
Especially those who are crazy of power
As they think that with power they can have honor
Hence they don't care if they are about to start the fire

These people do not bother about world hunger
Nor they even bother about the economy or people getting hire
They will never consider about mother nature
All they bring to this world is total horror

Because of greed, people becomes ill mannered
Because of greed, people becomes superb liars
Because of greed, people quarrel
Because of greed, people becomes less sensible

Greed is a serious disease that must be immediately handle
It begins with education from the elementary level
Children must first be taught to take care of each other
That selfishness must be seen as being irresponsible

Religious society must address about this danger
The eventuality of greed would be disastrous
Being contempt is what people should adhere
As such character will make the society much healthier

Society without greed will not have corrupted leaders
Society without greed will not breed gamblers
Society without greed will not have cheaters
Society without greed will be a whole lot better

13 September, 2010

A smart move by a smart man of UMNO

Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor of UMNO is very profound
By keeping a distance from Datuk Ibrahim Ali of PERKASA who behaves like clown
While Malaysia Day is coming around
Datuk Ibrahim is still getting frown

Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan is going on the right bound
With his wisdom, Malaysia will achieve another glory of crown
He is one gentleman who deserves honor from the ground
A leader who is diplomatically sound

Datuk Ibrahim should stop all those nonsense and hounds
He should learn from Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan whenever he is in town
Datuk Ibrahim look like world class idiot when he scream up and down
If he continues, he might cause Malaysia to drown

Sources:  The Star

10 September, 2010

Unity of human race

The color of human blood is red
Every human share the same fate
We come to this world when our parents mate
We leave this world when we step into our grave

Human characters are the same as often been said
We never like to work late
We never like long wait
If we are tired we will go to bed

Everyone wants to be the Chairman or head
Everyone wants to be well paid
Everyone wants recognition and face
Everyone wants to be amaze

Regardless of our religion, we pray
Regardless of our background, we want to do great
Regardless of our gender, we want our kids to achive straight A's
Regardless of our class, we want to be safe

We go crazy when shopping centers gives us a chance to save
We go crazy when World Cup gets into place
We go crazy when someone baked us a delicious cake
We go crazy when burglars broke our gates

The global economy is uncertain in many ways
Climate changes is deteriorating at a serious rate
The threat of terrorism is edging like shape blade
Diseases are spreading across borders without trace

Since we are human, we should no longer fake
Unity is a must be upheld in human race
We must unite and no longer hesitate
Or we will all be extinct and dead

08 September, 2010

Happy Adilfitri!!!

Here is wishing all Muslims a Happy Adilfitri
May you spend quality time with your family
May you enjoy this celebration with your buddies
May you also help the poor and needy

Life is full of challenges and uncertainty
Sometimes bad economy
Other times political instability
But you can be thankful that you are present at this party

Here is wishing you the very best in your future journey
May you always be healthy
May you always be happy
May you always be lucky

07 September, 2010

Frugal Billionaires

A thrifty person does not necessary mean they are any poorer
Instead it would mean they are downright smarter
These people know how to make their money works harder
By making the best out of their cash turnover

Billionaires can afford just about anything they desire
The kind of money they have can make them a KING forever
However some of them decided to keep their life much simple
By living their life just like any other working class people

Warren Buffett has live in the same house all his life despite having a huge empire
Carlos Slim does not possess any private jet or private cruiser
David Cheriten still buying from shopping outlets like Kroger
John Caudwell still taking public transport and yet to hire a chauffeur

Jim Walton is still using the same old pick up truck just like his late father
Azim Premji is still driving the same Toyota Corolla despite the car getting older
These people are filthy rich but yet down to earth and have showed great examples
People like Warren Buffett has pledge half of his wealth for those who suffers

Pursuing more houses with outstanding mortgages does not make us any richer
Driving a fancy car without money in the bank are just making us pretentious actor
Saving money to buy designer brands just to show off will put us into great torcher
Talking big without facts will make us look like a fool altogether

These billionaires are great society leaders
They never tell people that they are the greatest achiever
They never look down on those hardcore poor
Instead they are the most generous donors

Source:  Frugal Billionaires (Yahoo Finance) on September 6, 2010

06 September, 2010


Since Raya break is coming
Many Malaysians will be driving
Malaysians attitude usually changes when they get behind the steering
Perhaps some advise would keep them thinking

Many Malaysians possessed "Creative" driving skills that can easily be seen
Some do double or even triple parking
Others can drive while talking on the phone and having a drink
However, tailgating stands on top of the ranking

Tailgating is by far the most dangerous thing
Its literally intimidating and downright mean
Its almost like setting fire with kerosene
Even F1 drivers are avoiding it

Tailgaters are just trying to show their superior maneuvering
They have forgotten about the danger they are imposing
If the vehicle in front were to slam the brake by mistake without realizing
The tailgater would not have enough time to think

If the tailgater were to ram into the car in front, it would be devastating
Both cars will ended up spinning
The other cars that comes from behind will be colliding
Making the highway almost like a war scene

JPJ and PDRM must tag team
Both their system must be properly link
Setup cameras without giving them any warning
Nab and charge them without forgiving

04 September, 2010

Indonesian maid murdered an infant

An Indonesian maid has made the headlines once again
This time stomping an infant who was innocent and lame
Until the poor infant died in vain
Causing the employer and his family enormous pain

She evaded when she realized that she will be blame
Trying to seek help from an unknown person as if she is a saint
Stating that she was bullied by her previous employer as claimed
Little did she know that major newspapers has her photos nicely paint

There are sufficient evidence to charge her in homicide's name
Such perpetrator must also be seriously cane
Her counsel will try to plead her as insane
The prosecutor must prove that her plead is just a game

Capital punishment must continue and not be change
Perpetrators with such henious act must be send to death without any bargain
Even if the perpetrators were to tears like rain
As that's the only way society will feel safe without any taint

The victim's family will never feel the same
Some of their relatives may even faint
Justice must be serve on this maid with a sick brain
Lets hope our court would not let her go and put her on the next plane

Sources:  The Star (September 2, 2010 & September 3, 2010)

02 September, 2010

Racism MUST STOP!!!

Namewee has come into limelight
For the video clip he posted in You Tube site
According to him, it was the remark by Principal Siti that make his anger high
Hence, he decided to send her a message via this video clip to flush her pride

As the saying goes, 2 wrongs does not make 1 right
Principal Siti is suppose to educate the school children to be bright
Instead she made such unhealthy remarks that make the society cried
Her remarks clashed with PM Najib's 1 Malaysia's plight

Namewee must learn to slow down with his temper that flies
Although he is trying to stand on the victim's side
Nevertheless, victory is not win by putting up a fight
As fighting will only generate hatred from a wave to a tide

Racism MUST STOP altogether as more and more people dislike
Nobody benefits when hatred always appear on our sight
Intimidation will not make anyone fright
It will only aggravate tension to a serious height

"We cannot fight darkness with darkness but we can fight darkness with light, we cannot fight hatred with hatred but we can fight hatred with love"    -  Dr Martin Luther King Jr

31 August, 2010

Explosive parcel in Cheras

Its almost like watching Hollywood in action
Without Steven Spielberg's presence
A parcel has triggered an explosion
Right in the heart of Cheras apartment

Police ruled out the possibility of terrorism
There has been several speculations
Some said that it was due to vengence
Others said it was due to business competition

Many people were shocked by this incident
As Malaysia has been perceived as a peaceful nation
Such action could harm the other residents
As folks who lives in apartment are close to each other by distance

Tan Sri IGP gave his assurance to held a thorough investigation
Let's hope the police will drag these perpetrators to prison
As for the victim's family, our deepest condolence
May they stay strong during this difficult moment

29 August, 2010

In Loving Memory of Mother Teresa

It's like the best gift from heaven
That came to this world to show us the meaning of enlightenment
No words can explain the logic of this person
As her contribution to this world was way beyond imaginations

Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu a.k.a Mother Teresa was born as an Albanian
She later obtained her citizenship as an Indian
She was born into a family that was rether affluent
As her father was a politician

She left her family at the age of 18 and started her planned mission
Initially she studied English in Ireland
Later she went to India and taken her vow as a nun
She started teaching in Loreto Convent

She was asked to move to Calcutta to provide help and assistance
Being a devoted nun, she sacrificed everything that has in her possession
She worked so hard for the poor and gave her utmost devotion
Without even complaining about all the problems

She put so much of effort lobbying the Indian government
Hoping to attract some serious attention
Her effort did brought some improvement
Especially when the Indian government acknowledged her existance

Mother Teresa has push for more reforms by requesting support from the Vatican
The Vatican gave her the permission
That allowed her to proceed with expansion
Through expansion, her organization received more recruits and donations

Her organization expanded to South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Middle Easterns
Especially people who needs medical attention and those living in poor conditions
Over the years, she has received numerous amount of recognition
From Nobel Peace Prize to US Presidential Medal of Freedom

We can go on and on about Mother Teresa and her lifetime dedication
It would be hard for us to even find a point of conclusion
She was one of the World Greatest Hero filled with nothing but compassion
Her contribution will be remember for generations

As Mother Teresa is no longer present
We can only continue her legacy by moving in accordance with her direction
We may not find another Mother Teresa at the current moment
However, we can continue cultivating love and compassion into human civilization

Sources:  Wikipedia

28 August, 2010

September 11, 2001 (9th Anniversary)

This will be the day that will go down into world history
A black Tuesday that will be remember for centuries
That came with such an unimaginable magnitude that's worse than any catastrophe
Causing the entire world with grevious shocked and uncertainties

It was just like any other morning where folks woke up to start their journey
Where the day was bright and sunny
Folks travelled to work while grabbing a cup of coffee
Reaching the World Trade Center and greeting everybody

Going up to their office while it was still early
Getting ready to get busy
As trying to survived was not easy
In viewed of that time of poor economy

Little did they know that 4 commercial aircrafts has been hijacked already
The terrorist were planning on huge attacks on America's major cities
An attack that will repeat the World War II holocaust miseries
In the name of teaching Americans a lesson to stop being nosey

The first and second aircraft were heading to World Trade Center in New York City
The third aircraft was heading to the Pentagon in Washington DC
The forth aircraft was supposed to level out 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and her vicinity
Of course the forth aircraft ended up crashing somewhere in one of Pennsylvania county

The first aircraft hit the first tower a little before 8:20
Folks were thinking it was an accident with the pilots were drunk or sleepy
When the second aircraft rammed into the second tower around 8:50
Then everyone has confirmed it was an act of terrorist cum Kamikaze

The third aircraft rammed at the entrance of the Pentagon subsequently
Causing the entire area adjacent to the Pentagon became messy
The forth aircraft did not managed to cause further atrocities
Thanks to the brave Americans hero who fought the terrorist diligently

Both the towers were damaged badly
Fires were burning like volcano lava beyond level 70
The fire that was ignited by jet fuel triggered heat temperature over 1000 degrees
Burning and melting the steel bar that once kept the building standing firmly

Many victims were still stucked at the top floor with no elevator and stairway accessibility
Most of them were choked by smokes and went crazy
Some were making their "farewell" phone calls to their respective family
Before they choosed to dive into suicide instead of being cremnated completely

September 11, 2001 will always be remember as a serious tragedy
A tragedy that was perpetrated by United States greatest enemy
An enemy that adhere to the principle of murdering massively
Regardless of their nationality and ethnicity

The attacked literally woke all Americans from New York to Hawaii
It also shocked the world from Canada across Asia all the way to Turkey
It was so serious that NYSE was suspended indefinitely
The whole country was declared emergency

It was the biggest test for President Bush during his presidency
It was the toughest test for Americans to accept such indecency
It was the beginning of more wars and actions by military
It was the beginning of inventions for more sophisticated artilleries

America has changed from her normality
Americans has changed when they talk about homeland security
Where liberation once took the center stage, now has turned into fear constantly
Where equality once emphasized, now is from case to case basis through identity

27 August, 2010

Merdeka Day (Malaysia Independence Day)

A great day to celebrate
It was the day we were liberate
Freedom has finally arrive at our gate
Gives us every reason to commemorate

We have progressed very well along the way
And we have also made many mistakes as what people say
It about time we evaluate our problems to avoid the next hay
So that our resources will be fully utilize with nothing extra to pay

Malaysia is a very blessed nation without a doubt
Abundant resouces that are available for us to cash out
Its like a child just inherited a large farm with plenty of cows
Making us a lucky nation where some individuals has more than one house

August 31 is a very special date
Its the day where Malaysians will evaluate
Its also the day where new strategies ought to be formulate
So that we can attend the existing problem before its too late

Poem Writings

A combination of reading and singing
Makes the reader feel less boring
Stating fact without twisting and winding
While saving time without all the digesting